Chapter 5-

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I don't know which part of me wants you more; my lips that crave yours pressed against mine or my skin that is starving for your fingers; but I guess it doesn't really matter because I wouldn't mind having every part of you." - s.k.

Hades Grey

"Do you want to go?"

"I get to leave?"

"You are my mate, little baby. I'm not leaving your side."

"What if they don't let me leave?"

I still, not wanting to give her the details of what could happen to the people who could try to keep her away from me. I do not wish to corrupt her innocent head with the violence within mine. Because I know that neither Knox or I would let them out of here alive.

"Don't you worry your pretty head about that. I will take care of it if anything like that happens. Hopefully they are smart enough not to try."

"Would you hurt them?"

"Most likely, but I would never hurt you. I only hurt the people who deserve it."

"Who decides who deserves it?"

"I do because I have to live with the consequences of that decision."

Lily nods her head, not giving any more information to what is going on inside her head. Once I mark her, I will be able to hear those thoughts. It's not that I'll be inside her head all the time, but I just want to know what has her scrunching her face in the cutest way possible. I back away from the 'bed' to give her enough room to stand on her own.

Her skinny legs, unhealthy skinny, stumble across the metal floor. Her right foot trips over her left, and I catch her into my chest. Pain flows through me. Not physical pain from Lily, but pain that she even had to go through all of this. My mate should never have had to face something like this. My beautiful mate.

I stand her back up without a word. I hold one of her hips with my hand as I pull my dress coat off my body. The clothes she is wearing are ratty and tattered. They cover everything they need to cover, but her legs are on display. Fuck, this is so awful. I drap my coat on top of her shoulders, and Lily hugs the warmth to her.

"I'm going to pick you up okay?"

"That's okay. It hurts to walk anyway."

"Are you injured anywhere?"

Her hands still in mine move my hand closer to her chest. She places it on her heart, and I try not to start crying right then and there. I have to stay strong for her right now. It's not the time to be overwhelmed by emotions, but it's difficult.

"Just right here."

Her soft heartbeat thunders in my ears as I keep her close to me. I gently pick her up in my arms, tucking one arm under back and another behind her knees. The minute I hold her close to my chest, Lily swings her legs abruptly. I catch her before she falls, feeling her legs tighten around my waist, her arms loosely over my shoulders, her head digging into my neck.

She hugs me to her body, and I feel her hands clasp onto the fabric of my dress shirt close to my shoulderblades. I unlatch one and move it closer to my neck so she can have a better grasp. I rub small circles on her back, bouncing her gently. Hopefully, she'll fall asleep as we make our way out of here and to my home.

I feel Knox desperately trying to get in touch with Lily's wolf, but neither he nor I can feel her. My heart aches at everything that my mind is reeling about. She's been trapped in the most disgusting, lonely part of the Blackstorm Asylum for two years after my uncle accused her for doing something I know, deep in my soul, that she didn't do.

In here, she could have been hurt to an extent I don't even want to imagine, her wolf is dormant, which I bet was incredibly painful to have to experience. Knox annoys me, but I don't know what I would do without him. Her wolf must have been the only source of interaction she got. Besides the guards...but who knows what they did to her in here.

I cradle her even closer to me, giving her a hug, before I exit the cell. The guards say nothing - which is the smartest thing they could possibly do - as they guide me out of this horrid place with my mate in my arms. 

Screams come from some of the cells we pass but with one deathly glare from me, the prisoners shut up. Without sparing another glance back at the craziest people I've seen, I carry Lily to the front desk. I try to set her down, but the girl clenches my shirt tighter. She shakes her head, not stopping even as I settle her.

"Shh, shh. Little baby, you're going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere."

"Don't put me down."

Her voice comes out in a sweet whisper, but I hear it perfectly fine.

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