chapter 35

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Yeonjun and Yoongi were sitting on the bench in the park, both of them silent as they stared down meaninglessly, Yoongi trying to choose proper words to talk while Yeonjun kept waiting for him. Grief had wrapped both male's  bodies in darkness as the completely black sky towered over them, not lighting their ways even with a single star while the moon kept using clouds as a shield as if it was hiding from someone for dear life.

"I care for you more than I do for myself", Yoongi said in a low voice as he kept his eyes fixed on the ground, Yeonjun humming in response, "I have always been nervous about your safety, that's why I decided to conceal everything about the experiment from you"

"Was I involved in that too?", Yeonjun asked directly as he finally looked at his cousin, causing him to drift his eyes over him as well.

Yoongi shook his head, "No", he said assuredly.

"Then what do your behaviors have to do with my safety?"

Yoongi sighed heavily, his shoulders raising up and down noticeably, "Because enemies are haunting everyone who knows about the experiment even only one detail because every piece of information is useful for them"

"Where was I at that period when you all were working for the project?", Yeonjun asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"You were here in Seoul and living with your parents"

"Then why did you need to keep my amnesia if I didn't know anything about the project though?"

"You knew some little things", Yoongi replied, making the boy even more curious, "Because your parents were involved in that"

Yeonjun gasped at his words, his eyes widening slightly in surprise, "After the research facility was set on fire, our employee sold information about the project to the Japan government and they started searching for anyone who knew anything about it since they wanted to know how the implant could be created and there was a chance they would reach you too and harm you. Exactly in that period I heard about your parents' car accident and doctors told me that you had hit your head which caused amnesia. It wasn't permanent though, that's why I decided to give you those pills after 2 months, I thought it would be better for you if you remembered nothing about your past. I just didn't want you to be in danger"

Yeonjun listened to him carefully as his mind tried to analyze Yoongi's every sentence. Maybe now he knew why Yoongi did whatever he did but he was still slightly angry about him since he had still decided to block his memories without his permission.

"Japan government is Japan mafia, right?", he suddenly asked, remembering the message he had seen in Yoongi's phone.


"And they're related to Black Shadow", he said, observing his cousin sharply.

"How do you know that?", Yoongi asked as he raised his eyebrow, staring suspiciously at his cousin.

"I saw something in your phone"

Yoongi felt a slight fear entering his body as he swallowed hard, his eyes not moving off pink haired boy's face.

"The man that is rumored to be Japan mafia leader sent you a message", Yeonjun said hesitantly as he didn't know what his cousin's reaction would be after telling him everything, "It was a picture of your mother and he said that you shouldn't touch Black Shadow if you want her to stay alive"

Yoongi's breath hitched at hearing his remark, his hands reaching for his face to cover it as he propped his elbows against his knees, "He has captured her", he said in a pained voice, his body swaying back and forth as his nerves thundered inside his head.

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz