chapter 92

139 15 36

Bang Chan was still on the hill, controlling the situation from there when he heard some noise coming from the ground and saw two cars moving towards the entrance door which made him panic from a sudden fear. He snatched his radio HT immediately as he raised his head up and talked in an alarmed tone, "Someone is coming there. Do you hear me? I see two cars."

Everyone's eyes widened at his words and they looked over at each other with panicked eyes while their hands gripped their guns tightly, getting ready for attack, "Okay. Got it," General Minho spoke hurriedly before turning off the radio HT and tucking it into his waistband, "Hide! Now!"

Bang Chan cursed under his breath as he briskly got on his feet and sprinted down the hill, almost falling for two or three times but he managed to get down quickly and instantly hid behind the tree, secretly watching how one car stopped at the opened door between the walls while squeezing his rifle tightly with his hands. His teeth were pressed against each other intensely and his jaw was clenched, his eyes observing sharply how three men got outside of the car with their guns, but Bang Chan quickly aimed his weapon at one of them before pulling the trigger and killing him with a headshot. Others panicked and hid behind the car when they saw their colleague collapsing to the ground, but the blonde male still managed to kill another man too before he could cover himself.

The other car stopped behind the first one and Bang Chan quickly started shooting the windshield, immediately causing it to shatter down which forced the men inside to crouch down in order to avoid bullets hitting them but the men next to the driver's seat and in the passenger's seat still managed to get outside safely and hide behind the car, shooting into Bang Chan's direction when they had the possibility to while the driver got shot. Meanwhile, the others in the yard got alarmed at the sounds of gunshots and secretly started sneaking into the direction of the entrance. Taehyung was the first one to glimpse the enemies through the open door and was about to shoot down those men at the cars when the third vehicle stopped outside the yard and all of a sudden Izanagi spoke through the trumpet -

"I know that are here Min Yoongi and Min Daniel!"

Everyone froze on their places at hearing his voice and gunshots suddenly stopped as well. Yoongi's eyes widened dramatically since he knew, Izanagi wouldn't go there without a really good defence and it was troubling him very bad. He motioned everyone to stay on their places with a wave of his hand and they obeyed immediately while their ears were perked up, waiting for the monster to speak up again.

"You've made a terrible mistake by that," Izanagi continued, "Yes, you showed me how powerful you are by coming here and attacking my men and I even want to clap for you, but unfortunately you'll have to obey me from now on, because I've brought someone with me."

Izanagi set the trumpet aside and loaded his gun after finishing his sentence, the muzzle pointing at the blue haired male who was sitting beside him, "Get out!"

Soobin didn't even move from his place, his eyes looking with a hopeless gaze into the space in front of him, "Why would I do that?" he asked in a low voice, causing the older male to growl.

"Because you know very well what else I have brought with me. Do you want all of them to die?"

Soobin gulped down nervously at his words, knowing he had no other way than to just to take his orders no matter how much he hated even the idea of it. He slowly opened the door of the car and stepped outside, causing Bang Chan's eyes to bulge out at the sight of him. Izanagi was the second one to leave the car, his gun pointing at the blue haired male maliciously who looked completely blank, not even a single emotion crossing his face. Maybe it would be better for everyone if his father pulled the trigger and shot him dead?

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu