chapter 85

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"Where are you gonna be then?", they all heard the voice coming from the stairs, causing their blood to freeze in their veins as they turned their heads to the pink haired male who was looking at them with a blank and somewhat annoyed expression, letting them to realise that he had had heard every single word they were trying to hide from him. Soobin's heart skipped a beat as he slowly got on his feet and gulped down nervously, cold sweat forming on his forehead while Yeonjun walked downstairs and looked over at the three male with cold eyes, "Cat got your tongues?"

"Yeonjun", Yoongi finally spoke as he gathered his courage and stood up from his seat, "I'll explain", he said and walked up to him but Yeonjun gave him a glare which froze him on his place.

"So you were gonna build a future with me like this?", Yeonjun asked ironically as he darted his eyes to the terrified blue haired male in front of him, his eyes looking cynical and hurt at the same time, "By putting a ring on my finger and then going to the murderer with your own feet?"

Soobin gulped down nervously again as he tried to fight off the guilt which kept erupting in his body and freezing his organs, "I have no other way", he barely spoke while trying to keep his voice still, his eyes hardly looking into older's ones, "You don't need to panic, I'll come back soon"

Yeonjun chuckled at his words as he shook his head ironically, sending unpleasant chills down younger's spine before his expression changed into a dead serious one, his icy eyes burning holes into younger's orbs as he spoke in a categorical tone, "You're not going anywhere", and Soobin knew it was really going to be exactly as hard as he thought, "We'll solve every problem together. I'm not going to let you leave"

Soobin shook his head in frustration, "You don't understand", he spoke in distress as closed his eyes for some minutes and pinched his nose bridge, trying to find proper words but his mind seemed too messy for it, "You don't know what he is capable of if I don't obey him. He's not gonna have mercy on either of you"

"And do you you think he's gonna have a mercy on you, huh?!", Yeonjun yelled this time, causing Taehyun and Beomgyu to go out of their rooms too when they heard his raised tone, their eyebrows furrowing in confusion at seeing two fighting males downstairs. They marched towards them with scared and worried eyes immediately which gave Jimin and Yoongi questioning gazes, but Yoongi ignored them as he buried deeply in his concern while the orange haired male only shook his head in stress.

"Yes", Soobin replied confidently, "He won't do anything to me, but he will to you. Do you think I'll be able to protect you if he decides to get to you?", he asked in a little annoyed tone, making the older boy even more angry by that.

"I don't need your fucking protection", he yelled louder this time, "I will protect myself and others too, but you will fuck everything up if you go there. You don't even know what the fuck is going around his head. Are you that dumb to believe that he's gonna keep his promise?"

Taehyun's eyes grew wide in horror at Yeonjun's words, terrible waves of shock striking him hardly at once as he looked at his brother in shock and disbelief who didn't spare even a single glance at him, "What is he saying?", he asked in a panicked tone, causing Beomgyu to hold his hand softly to somehow calm him down, but Taehyun couldn't even feel his touch as all he could think about at the moment was the awful words he had heard.

Soobin ran his palms over his face as he tried to suppress his pain and rage in his body, knowing now it was even more difficult when already Taehyun knew about it too. "Stop making it hard", he said to Yeonjun sternly when he looked into his teary and angry eyes again, ignoring his brother's question since he was feeling too weak to face or answer him, "Nothing bad will happen. You'll see yourself"

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