chapter 90

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Utter darkness was covering their bodies as a shield when Yeonjun, Taehyung, Jungkook, Bang Chan and General Minho were lying on the ground of the hill which was towering over the dark facility and there was a massive forest spread out behind them. The leaves kept rustling from the impact of the breeze as Bang Chan was observing the target and the guards from the aim point of his USMC M40 while the rest were on the other side, checking the situation from there secretly without the guards at the gate noticing them. For some reason, the building and the yard was huge and looked like a prison. It was surrounded with massive walls and there was even the guard tower in the corner of the yard, but there was not any guard in there which meant that the survelliance camera was controlling the remote areas from there and that was why they needed to be extremely careful, especially when the camera was moving around. There were guards standing outside of the yard as well and protecting the building, two of them at each side of the walls, therefore, there were eight of them. They needed to kill those guards quietly because they had no idea how many of them were in the yard or in the building and if they made any noise, the guards sure would be more careful and cause a big damage to them.

"There are 8 guards outside the yard" Yoongi spoke in the radio HT which General Minho had given to each one of them. "Do you see the yard?"

"Yes," Bang Chan said as he stopped observing for a moment and pulled his radio HT closer to his mouth, "There are three guards in front, two on the left side and I can't see anything else from here. There is also little cabin at the gate, I think they should be watching the survelliance cameras there."

"Alright. We'll take care of those eight men. You try to get down secretly too or we're fucked up."

"Okay. Good luck."

Yoongi quickly put his walkie talkie in his waistband and gripped his rifle tightly with his hands as he looked back at the members of his group and said, "We're gonna divide into pairs," and then Yoongi flickered his eyes over his men in front of him before picking people for pairs, "Hoseok and Seokjin; Mingyu and Wonwoo. Jimin's coming with me.  Each pairs take care of two guards at different walls while I and Jimin will handle the four other. Make sure to be careful and avoid the camera in the guard tower, got it?"

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding and agreement and went separate ways. Mingyu and Wonwoo rushed towards the back side of the walls, Hoseok and Seokjin went to the right side while Jimin and Yoongi headed towards the left side. However, they still hadn't reached their destination still when suddenly Yoongi grabbed the younger's arm and stopped him, causing him to turn his head towards him in confusion while his eyes were looking at him with a curious gaze. "You know what?" Yoongi asked in a low voice, his eyes flickering to the ground as he tried to muster up enough courage, his heart beating erratically in his chest, "Neither of us know who will manage to survive today," he stated and raised his head up in a timid manner before looking into the younger's curious eyes which were observing him softly while fear and nervousness were hiding behind them, "And I will never be able to forgive myself if I don't do this before I die."

Jimin didn't even have time to ask what he was talking about when Yoongi suddenly leaned to him and grabbed the back of his head as he crashed his lips against his ones, causing his heart to skip a long beat from his unexpected behavior. Yoongi's eyes were closed while Jimin's ones were wide open, flows of shock blowing in his body like wind. His heart started beating harshly against his chest as he slowly leaned into the kiss and his bulged out eyes started to flutter close in the unhurried manner, his lips moving against Yoongi's ones gently. Both of them were able to hear their own heartbeats in their ears and Yoongi's hands were shaking uncontrollably. Maybe he was a mafia boss who could kill a plenty of people without thinking twice, but he had never had enough courage when it came to relationships and romance. He had always been a coward in those matters and he had no idea how he found enough strength in himself to kiss him now, maybe it was the fear of something invisible, fear of death and of dying without tasting his lips, because even though they had been enemies for long, he was still always curious about how they tasted.

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