chapter 61

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Beomgyu was standing in front of huge hospital and looking at it through his slightly curly silver bangs which covered his forehead and were reaching to his eyes. He was slowly stepping towards it while playing with the sleeves of his denim jacket nervously. It was exactly where Soobin had told him to go since it was the property of the government, and he knew that it was his last chance to change his mind and not put his life in such a huge danger, but he wasn't even hesitating, because he was already more confident in his decision than ever. He stepped inside boldly, his scared and panicked eyes looking around anxiously before he noticed the reception where some members of the staff were standing, some of them talking to patients and some of them chatting with each other. Beomgyu mustered up all of his courage and stumbled towards them, his eyes looking at them with crazy and scared gaze, which got noticed by the receptionists immediately.

"Hello?", one girl greeted him with a little smile, "How can we help you, sir?", but Beomgyu didn't answer her, he just kept wandering his eyes nervously, causing her to walk up to him with a worried face, "Sir?", she asked as he placed her hand over Beomgyu's back, darting the boy's panicked eyes towards herself, "Are you alright?"

Beomgyu barely moved his shaky lips, "I-i need to-to see the doctor", he fake stuttered in a fainted voice, his index finger nervously scratching his temple.

"Okay. Wait here, please", the receptionist said as she went to the phone and made a call, her curious eyes never moving off the silver haired male who just kept pretending and sat on the chair at the wall, his knees pressing together while his hands were put in his lap, making himself as small as possible. His nostrils were being saturated by the unpleasant smell of the hospital which almost made him scrunch up his nose, but he was doing his best to look like a lost puppy, his hands slipping halfway under the sleeves of his jacket. It didn't take long before the American man in a doctor's stock and with glasses over his eyes walked up to him with a quick pace and bent down to the boy who looked at him anxiously, "Hello, sir. I'm doctor Smith and I'm here to help you. Can you follow me in the cabinet?", the man asked politely, Beomgyu nodding his head immediately as he gulped down heavily and got on his feet.

The doctor gently took hold of his arm and led the silver haired boy into his cabinet, which was painted white color, the desk standing in the corner in the end of the room. Beomgyu was sat down on the chair at the desk while the doctor placed himself in front of him on the other side afterwards and gazed at him with curious eyes as he let out a deep sigh, "Okay, what's your name, sir?", he asked as he grabbed the folder and briskly opened it, holding a pen with his another hand afterwards to write down the details.

"I-I-", Beomgyu fake stuttered again in a small voice which drew the doctor's gaze to him, making him confused when he saw the tears brimming up younger's eyes. Doctor Smith was waiting for him in silence to say his name, but Beomgyu only planted his face in his paws and cried, "I don't remember, I-i'm sorry", his voice breaking which made curiosity and compassion to spring up into doctor's  body.

"Okay, calm down, please", he comforted, causing the boy to uncover his face and wipe his tears while sobbing quietly, "What's bothering you, sir, may I know?"

Beomgyu shook his head, fresh tears streaming down his face as his arms wrapped around his own body, hugging himself tightly, "I-im scared", he said in a small voice, not looking at the doctor in the eyes, "I'm very scared. He-he doesn't stop talking"

The doctor furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the boy with narrowed eyes, "Who?", he asked in interest.

"H-he", Beomgyu said in a tearful voice, his hands pressing against his ears, "P-please, help me", he cried, "I'm scared o-of him and m-myself"

The doctor stood up from his seat and walked to the boy, kneeling down in front of him while looking up at him with comforting eyes, "Okay. I'll help you, but you have to tell me who you are talking about", he stated, thinking that the boy was out of his mind.

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