chapter 20

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Seoul, 2010

"Here", said a tall, slender man dressed in a guard uniform, his dark hair slicked behind as he pulled the door of a room and pushed two kids inside.

The room was surrounded only with white walls on every side, looking like a cage which had no escape. Creepy sensations were shot in both kids' bodies as they looked over at each other with scared stares before their eyes landed on the three other kids who were staring at them with a frightened expression. "This is your new home starting from today," the mentioned man announced evilly, darting everyone's attention towards him, all of them looking very terrified and fragile, their eyes begging for freedom, knowing nothing good was going to happen to them in that place. "Neither of you try and dare anything inappropriate or you're gonna be punished really bad, got it?"

All the kids nodded their heads right away, scared that something bad might happen to them if they didn't. The man only smirked evilly before closing the door and locking them up inside, kids flinching slightly at the clicking sound as a small yelp escaped their chapped lips.

A brown haired boy, who looked the oldest among them, approached two newcomers, his eyes filled with compassion as he took a glance at them. "Hey," he said softly, and Soobin and Taehyun fixed their eyes on the stranger boy who looked very friendly to them. "I can't welcome you since there's nothing but a hell in here, but I hope we can make good friends at least."

Two brothers looked over at each other again before returning their gaze to the stranger, Taehyun slowly nodding his head. "I'm Taehyun," he said, a small, fainted smile plastering on his face as he pointed out his brother. "And this is Soobin, my brother."

The stranger boy gifted them a small smile as he shook his hand with Taehyun, then did the same with Soobin.

"Hi," he said with a little smile dancing on his lips, "I'm Jimin."

Present, 2020

Doctor Namjoon checked both Jimin and Beomgyu, who still hadn't regained his consciousness. He gave Jimin medicaments for his temperature and also sleeping pills to let him rest after the traumatic accident with the silver haired male. As to Beomgyu, Namjoon got quiet concerned after what Yoongi told him about everything that had happened. Yoongi took him downstairs into his cabinet at once since he wanted to talk to the doctor about Beomgyu's condition secretly, without anyone other knowing and locked the door behind him. "We need to take him to hospital for a check up as soon as possible," Doctor Namjoon said instantly, springing up unpleasant emotions in the brown haired male at once.

"But we were supposed to check him in 2 months," Yoongi answered nervously, he was very anxious since he guessed something serious was happening to the younger boy.

"I know, but whatever happened to him isn't normal. We need to make sure there aren't serious changes in his brain or he may become dangerous. If we don't, the history will repeat itself."

Yoongi nodded his head in agreement as he was thinking the same, but still didn't want to admit it. "Okay. I'll bring him in the morning."

"Fine," Namjoon replied and tapped his shoulder before going out and leaving the male alone with his murky thoughts going around in his head. Yoongi walked up to the desk and flopped down on the chair in huge distress. He hoped the next day would end successfully and he would be informed good news in the hospital, otherwise, what would he say to Yeonjun? His cousin still hadn't recovered from his injury and thinking about his friend would only worsen his condition.

Beomgyu revived in the morning, huge headache attacking him at once. He placed his palm against his forehead and groaned in a terrible pain as he rolled on his side. He was feeling so lightweight that he thought he was flying in the air. He opened his eyes to make sure he was really laying in his bed and his orbs were met by Yoongi's ones instantly who was staring at him with an unknown expression spread on his face. "Why are you here?" He whined as he tried to endure pain violently lingering in his head.

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