chapter 29

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Yoongi was locked up in a jail cell after the police interrogation since he couldn't really come up with a proper excuse to defend himself but he didn't tell truth either since it would be passing sentence on him by himself. He didn't know what time it was but he was sure it would be already night since hours had already passed since he was brought to the police station. Now he had been waiting for his advocate to arrive and somehow save him and get him out of those four walls, but there could be nothing heard form him. His men couldn't even bribe the police for some reason and he was feeling desperate at realizing that his condition was very hopeless. Everyone were already on their way to home since they couldn't do anything by being there though, only Hoseok remained in the police station in case something changed.

Meanwhile, Kai was already in the apartment where Seokjin used to live the past. He entered inside without a problem as he kicked to the side near the keyhole and the door gave the way after his several attempts. He scanned every room, looking for literally anything that would answer his questions even if it's only one. The final room he entered was the cabinet. There was a desk in the end of the room with a chair standing in front of it, on the right side there was a big shelf, stuffed with different books, and files. Kai walked up to it immediately, carefully observing everything, noticing that most of the books were medical, basically about the human brain while the rest had technical content. However, files were the ones that drew Kai's attention towards them, so he took them, hoping it would be something related to the experiment as he started reading the fist page.

'Neural implants are two similar devices with different kind of energies in them, functioning alternately only seconds apart after being placed in two different brains. This project gives us possibility to cure the cancer of any stage by interacting with neurons and sending electrical impulses. The implants should be taken out of the brains as soon as their mission is completed.

Capacities: deep brain stimulation; regeneration of damaged brain cells; strengthening immunity system.

Side effects: existing memory removal; possible connection between two different minds before the implants are pulled out after patients are completely cured.

Since putting all the necessary energy in one implant and placing it in human's brain burns out the whole system very quickly and causes death, the energy is divided into two devices which are linked to each other and work in two individual brains alternately. Healing process can take from months to years that is depended on the individuality of the brain and the stage and location of the cancer in human's body. Cancer of brain and of the last stage can take much longer to be completely cured. That's why we have decided to try placing them in two different brains instead of one. Experimental subject 015 has lung cancer of the first stage while another patient suffers form the brain cancer of the last stage. We need to know if they can help each other cure the diseases at the same speed and accelerate healing process'

Kai slowly widened his eyes as his brain processed the whole information, his breath hitching as one quite authentic idea upraised in his mind.

"Taehyun isn't the only one who has an implant in his brain".

Soobin was in his room, waiting for others arrival as he was curious if his plan worked or not since Kai had bribed the police with offering more money than Black Shadow to not let Yoongi go out of the jail for two days. He went downstairs quickly as soon as he heard some noise coming from it. He was very happy to know that Yoongi was still in jail and no one had a clue how they could help him since the police didn't take their money. Soobin didn't like the way Beomgyu's eyes kept staring at him with suspicion the whole time again, it made him anxious since he had never given the reason to the younger boy to look so doubtfully at him.

"Come on, hyung", the silver haired boy said to Yeonjun as he held his arm and helped him to stand up from the couch. "Let's go upstairs, you seem tired".

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora