chapter 84

165 19 38

"I think you love that bear more than me now"

Taehyun spoke in an upset tone as he played with older's silver hair while Beomgyu laid on his chest with a teddy bear in his hand, his face looking thoughtful and sad. Taehyun was noticing his gloom very well and had no idea what was bothering him since he wasn't sharing his thoughts or feelings with him. The blonde male knew it was somehow related to that girl in his dreams and it was scaring him too slightly, but he chose not to think about it since finally their lives were perfect and he didn't want anything to ruin that harmony. Seeing older's concern was making him worried anyways and he was feeling heavy from the inside especially when he had no clue what was going in Beomgyu's mind.

"Something terrible is going to happen", the silver haired boy murmured in a sad, weak voice as he kept staring forward meaninglessly, making younger's heart even heavier by his words since Taehyun knew Beomgyu had a reason to say something like that, but he still preferred to refuse it.

"You're just overthinking", he said as he kissed the top of his head, "Go, take a shower if you want. Maybe it will help you to refresh your mind"

But Beomgyu shook his head and remained on younger's chest. Taehyun didn't know what to do and how to cheer him up because seeing him like that was hurting him very bad. The entire situation was getting more and more serious and Taehyun knew he had to tell someone. However, he decided to wait for Soobin's arrival, and then he would tell him about that girl. It was more than possible that she was a real human being and was somehow managing to invade their dreams and if his assumptions were right, then it meant that she had the powers like them but she was definitely stronger. Taehyun didn't even know how that was possible, because he knew from Soobin that there was no girl in Mins' research facility years ago, so where was she supposed to come from? Or Taehyun was just overthinking like Beomgyu and maybe that girl was really only part of their dreams. It was possible that Beomgyu had seen her in Taehyun's memories about his dreams, so maybe that was why he saw her too. But Taehyun knew he still had to tell his brother, and decided not to worry about it now.

"Let's get up and do something, okay?", he asked softly as he looked down at the older male on his chest who simply shrugged his shoulders in a sad manner, "Come on, I'll play games with you"

Beomgyu looked up at him with puppy eyes which never failed to make the younger feel weak in his bones. He wanted to stay in them forever because the world was never more beautiful than when he was staring into his pretty orbs filled with stars even when they were sad and gloomy. There still were little sparkles swimming behind that sadness and waking up the butterflies into Taehyun's stomach. The younger boy flashed a comforting smile at him before pecking his forehead and soothing older's mind a little bit by the touch of his soft lips, "Now get rid of that gloomy expression and smile for me", Taehyun said with a fake grin, causing the older boy to smile slightly too which was enough to make some happiness appear in younger's heart.

The blonde male pulled the blanket off their bodies as they both lazily got up from the mattress. They quickly made the bed and went to the wardrobe to pick up their clothes afterwards. Taehyun was seeing that the older boy was still in a bad mood. He was usually talkative but now he wasn't even saying a word, so the blonde male started thinking about the possible ways to cheer him up until one idea popped up into his mind and he looked at the silver haired boy with brightened up eyes.

"Wanna take a shower together?"


Soobin and Yeonjun were still laying in bed as the morning light kept falling upon them. The blue haired male was rested on older's chest, while Yeonjun rubbed his bare back up and down, sending pleasant shivers along his spine. The younger boy was quiet as he silently enjoyed the nice carress of older's tender fingers, knowing he wouldn't be able to feel it for the next few days. "Hyung", he finally spoke up after one thought appeared in his mind, earning a hum from the older boy in response, "Aren't you going to ever go back to your old work?", Soobin asked curiously as he looked up at the confused male who was looking forward with a thoughtful gaze.

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum