chapter 91

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Yeonjun and Seokjin quickly pointed their guns forward as soon as they were in the building and scanned the environment with observant eyes. The entire room seemed more than quiet and safe, there was no one and also not even a single thing decorating it. The walls and the floor were painted in a silver color, creating a weird and unpleasant aura as they walked towards the door with careful steps.

"Look!" Seokjin suddenly said in a scared voice as he halted his moves and Yeonjun turned his head towards him at once, his gaze following his index finger which led him to the laser system that was placed on the wall beside them. Yeonjun didn't move as he kept watching the system with sharp eyes, while Seokjin was desperately tugging his arm, "Come on! We need to run!"

"It's not dangerous," Yeonjun murmured as he got rid of the older's hand and took slow steps towards the black device in front of him and even though his heart was trembling in his chest, he was still boldly marching to it while Seokjin was glancing at him with panicked eyes.

"What are you doing? We need to go."

Yeonjun stood in front of device which wasn't even moving a bit and and touched it with his slightly shaky hand, but nothing happened and it was very suspicious to him. It seemed liked it was deactivated, but why? However, he decided not to ponder on this question any longer, so he hesitantly moved off it and followed Seokjin when he went out of the door, but his questions and doubts were still gnawing away at his nerves. There was only stairs out of the room and they quickly took them. They ended up in a huge hall which was painted only in the silver color and Yeonjun felt something strange immediately as he scanned the environment carefully, trying to glimpse the guards, but that floor seemed completely clean too. "Don't you think it's suspicious that there are no guards here?" he asked his older friend, who shrugged his shoulders immediately in frustration.

"I don't think they need guards here, because there is a laser system down. It protects the entrance."

Yeonjun stopped at his words, frown forming on his face as his brows knitted together and confusion settled in his eyes, "Then why didn't it kill us?"

Seokjin halted his moves at his question as well, dread rising in his body as one terrible idea popped up in his mind which Yeonjun feared to say out loud, "I think they know that we're here," he announced and the pink haired boy almost started shaking at his words, "They need you alive. That's why they deactivated it."

Yeonjun's eyes bulged out as realization hit him, his heart racing from a terrible fear as he started scanning his pockets hurriedly, "We need to warn them," he said in panic and quickly pulled his phone from his pocket but it dropped down immediately as some terrible pain upraised into his brain, his face muscles twisting in pain as his hands grabbed his head, trying to suppress the pain but vainly since was only getting stronger, "What's that?" he asked when unstoppable whistling sounds started crossing his mind, almost causing him to go crazy while Seokjin was walking forward with a blank expression, his feet barely stumbling under his weight as his grip loosed around his gun, "Where are you going?" Yeonjun asked him as he fell to the floor with his knees, screams and whines escaping his lips as he tried to endure terrible pain which felt like something was tearing his nerves apart, "Hyung!" but Seokjin didn't even listen to him. He just kept walking until he disappeared from the younger's vision who closed his eyes and let out a loud scream, his hands gripping tightly his hair, but then suddenly his pain faded away, all at once.

Yeonjun sighed in a big relief as he panted heavily, gasping for the air which was being knocked out of his lungs just seconds ago. He scanned his gun on the floor while his eyes slowly started to flutter open but he gulped when his hands touched the grass instead, his eyes shooting wide open and he was greeted by the completely different environment instantly. His heart almost stopped in his chest as he slowly straightened his body, his knees shaking slightly underneath him while his eyes glued to the beautiful nature around him. There was a giant sea in front, big blue waves striking the beach after every four seconds while there were tall colorful flowers of different kinds stretched out behind the beach. Dazzling scent of roses was swirling through the atmosphere but Yeonjun couldn't even managed to enjoy it as suddenly something grabbed his attention, something which was hidden between the flowers on the ground.

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