chapter 34

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Yoongi quickly stormed out of the police station and took a taxi since the police had took his car away after the incident. He didn't even bother to drop in at his house first or tell others that he was free now, he headed to the hospital immediately, his hands shaking the whole time at thoughts of Jimin being one of those experimental subjects they used to torture. He didn't remember every kids' name since they always used to refer to them by their numbers, only ones that had remained in his mind very well was Kang Taehyun and his brother Kang Soobin.

Yoongi stopped the taxi at his hospital and got out instantly after paying. Soobin saw him very well from the window inside the building and smirked, knowing his plan was working very well. He went out in the hall as soon as Yoongi ran inside, rushing into Namjoon's cabinet and calling the doctor to take him along with him. Soobin stopped one of his colleagues at once as he saw them rushing towards his direction and start talking to her since he didn't want Namjoon and Yoongi to notice he was observing them. He saw how they entered the elevator and excused himself at once to run to it when Namjoon and Yoongi were no longer in his sight. His eyes observed the numbers above the elevator carefully, seeing how they stopped at the 4th floor. He dashed to the stairs immediately and ran up at high speed since he had no time for waiting for the elevator. He went to halls of the last floor carefully since he didn't want Yoongi and Namjoon noticing him there, but he couldn't see them. Soobin stopped one nurse at once who was walking lazily to the stairs.

"Excuse me, have you seen Doctor Namjoon here?"

The nurse nodded her head, "Yes, he went to that room", she pointed out the room with the black door, causing Soobin's eyes to light up in excitement at once.

"Okay, thanks", he smiled politely, followed by the nurse walking downstairs and him marching towards the door, knowing that room was the one where they were keeping their hospital system.

Soobin got to the door and tried to listen to their voices inside.

"Is that him?", he heard Namjoon asking, followed by some seconds of silence.

"It's him", Yoongi answered as he stared at the screen of the computer where their experimental subjects' names were listed in the files of their project.

Soobin smirked and moved away from the door lazily, knowing now he had to take care of the security guard that was watching the survelliance cameras at night times in the room which was situated on the first floor.

"I have another bad news for you", Namjoon said as he closed the door behind him after they went outside, "Yeonjun somehow found out about Beomgyu"

"What?!", Yoongi yelled immediately, blood totally draining from his face in just seconds as he stared wide eyed at his friend.

"I'm very sorry", Namjoon said sorrowfully, "I tried to calm him down but he is still very angry"

Yoongi's eyes grew even wider now as his mouth slack open in terror, "Did, did you t-tell him?", he hardly managed to ask, his voice barely audible as he swallowed hard.

"Of course, no", Namjoon quickly consoled, causing the brown haired male to sigh in relief, "But he won't stop questioning you until he gets every answer. He already knows that his pills were keeping his amnesia. I'm sure he will throw them away and remember everything from time to time if you don't tell him"

Yoongi covered his face with his palms as he groaned heavily, feeling a terrible wave of fear lingering carelessly in his body. "I'm not ready for this yet, especially, now when he's back. I'm sure Izanagi has other intentions with us and doesn't care about Jimin's revenge indeed"

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, man. It's up to you whatever you want to do, but just be careful"

Yoongi nodded his head in agreement as Namjoon tapped his shoulder and walked away. Yoongi sauntered downstairs and went outside. He kept trying to gain strength for having a conversation with the pink haired male as he followed the streets and he couldn't even notice when night overtook him and wrapped up the environment in its black blanket.

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