chapter 13

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Beautiful dawn painted the whole environment in its bright colour after several hours. Yoongi was up early and talking with one of their men about some affairs while Yeonjun had already gone to their hospital to check how their staff worked. Taehyung and Jungkook had left for some businesses as well, Beomgyu was still sleeping in Yeonjun's bed and as to Soobin, he was standing at the window on the first floor, his arms folded against his chest while his eyes were persistently fixed on the brown haired male who was standing with his back facing him as his attention was fully focused on his conversation with the other. His whole mind surrounded by huge detestation as his icy eyes kept digging holes into the older's back. Everytime he would look at Yoongi, he was seeing his parents' bloody bodies, his brother's scared and innocent face and everyone who used to torture and humiliate them as if they were objects and not humans. He was really surprised how he always managed to hold himself back from stabbing him right in the heart, it required truly a huge energy from him. However, he also had no other way since his urge of taking revenge and finding his brother was rather stronger than his desire to kill his enemy. At least, dying is always easier than being completely devastated and having your life destroyed, right?

Soobin got off the window as soon as he saw Yeonjun's car parking in the yard in front of the house, then he walked lazily towards the couch, flopping down on it carelessly. He was waiting for the male to enter the house since he hoped he would manage to have a normal conversation with him at least now if the older wouldn't start being stubborn again. Some minutes passed before Yeonjun appeared inside and lazily took of his jacket, throwing it on the armchair.

"Hi," Soobin greeted him with a slight smile, earning an indifferent stare from the older male.

"Hi," he replied blankly, seemed like he was still moody with the younger male.

Yeonjun walked to the kitchen, his mind still messed up about the blue haired boy. He was feeling guilty because of the last incident with him but he couldn't apologize either since he still wanted to keep his distance from him. He grabbed the kettle from the cupboard and filled it with water, putting it on the gas stove afterwards to heat the liquid. "Would you like to drink coffee?" He asked Soobin from the kitchen to show some politeness but got a negative answer from the younger.

"I don't drink coffee, thanks."

Yeonjun sat at the table in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand, stirring it nonchalantly before Soobin suddenly caught his eyesight. "Can I come in?" The boy asked, earning a little nod from the older who mentally rolled his eyes but he could also understand the boy at the same time since he had no one he could speak with. He probably needed a company.

Soobin placed himself on the chair in front of the older, who was looking in his coffee again, not even sparing a glance at him. Soobin knew those behaviours of him somehow were good a sign because the boy had been like that after the night Soobin sneaked into his room and did some little things with him. Now Yeonjun's actions only proved that he was feeling a bit uncomfortable with Soobin since then, hence, he was thinking about him in another way even if he didn't want to.

Soobin smirked wickedly at him before blurting out , "What are you thinking about, baby?"

Yeonjun stopped his movements immediately and shot his head up, his widened eyes glancing at the younger with a pure shock embedded in them. "W-what?" He barely squeaked out, almost choking on his own saliva. He got even more puzzled when he saw a slight fluster on the younger's face. Was he hearing things now?

"I asked if you were feeling alright," Soobin lied, still smirking evilly in his mind, "You seem zoned out."

Yeonjun swallowed hardly and took his eyes off the other boy at once as a rush of embarrassment ran across his face, bringing a slight colour of red to his cheeks and making him even more annoyed. "I'm fine," he replied in a deep, quiet voice as he took a sip of his coffee, gulping down the liquid nervously.

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