chapter 27

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Soobin was up early the following day, so he would get ready and go to the hospital on time since Yeonjun had told him last night that he needed to be there at 8 o'clock. He took a quick shower and dressed himself properly afterwards. When he walked downstairs Yeonjun was sitting there on the couch, sipping his coffee, seemed like he had gotten up early too since he promised Soobin to give him a ride.

"Are you already ready?", Yeonjun questioned as he saw the blue haired male who marched towards him and placed himself on the armchair.

"Yes", he answered, satisfied that Yeonjun was now treating him a bit normally and not keeping distance from him, but his voice was still cold and harsh towards the younger boy.

They sat in a complete silence before Yeonjun finished his coffee and stood up, Soobin repeating his move, thinking it was time to go. "Let's go", Yeonjun said, proving youngers thoughts as they sauntered towards the door and made their way to older's car.

The ride was quiet. Everytime Soobin tried to start a conversation, Yeonjun would just give him very brief simple answers, so finally he decided to give up. However, he still needed to somehow get close to the male to find out as much about Mins' family as possible and that distant relationship wasn't definitely helping him.

"I heard you were in the hospital yesterday", he said in a worried tone as he looked at the male beside him who didn't even spare a single glance at him. "What did the doctor say?", he asked to show care again, trying to melt the ice between them.

"Everything's fine", Yeonjun replied briefly again, not taking his eyes off the road ahead of him.

Soobin sighed at his another failed attempt, deciding to apologize for his behavior in the backyard of the house, maybe then Yeonjun would act ordinary again around him.

"Hyung", he said in a soft voice as he returned his gaze to the older male, finally getting attention from him at the honorific title. "I know why you are acting like this and I'm really sorry. I promise I won't get close to you like that again".

Yeonjun felt some heat entering his body and rushing to his cheeks at the topic, quickly averting his gaze from the younger male and fixing his eyes back on the road as he muttered in a fainted voice, "It's fine".

Yeonjun didn't want to admit that Soobin's words made his heart somehow warm, but a bit uneasy too as he propped his elbow on the window frame and ran his fingers over his forehead in an anxious manner. Sure, the younger had apologized but he was still feeling the need to keep being a little distant from him since he didn't like getting close to strangers and letting them inside his true feelings and emotions. However, his heart still beat warmly at seeing how Soobin cared about him even though the older never treated him properly.

After some minutes, Yeonjun stopped his car in front of a large building and looked at the younger boy. "Director Namjoon's cabinet is on the first floor, you'll see it when you follow the right side", he said and Soobin nodded his head in understanding, a faint beam crossing olders face afterwards, "Good luck".

Soobin opened the door as he returned the grin to the older boy and muttered 'thanks' before getting out and marching towards the building, an evil smirk dancing on his lips at realizing that he had actually managed to vanish the tension between them.

The blue haired boy entered the hospital and went to right side as told, observing every door before he read 'Director Kim Namjoon' written over one of them. He knocked on the door and entered the cabinet after getting permission from the doctor, Namjoon taking off his glasses and welcoming him with a huge smile on his face as they greeted each other with a slight bow.

"Sit here, Soobin", Namjoon pointed out the chair in front of his own, Soobin following his order and placing himself on it immediately. "As I know you have no any experience, am I right?", he asked and Soobin nodded his head. "I'm offering you our internship program for nursing assistant. After a month you'll be certified and and provide care for our patients and help them in daily activities. You'll definitely learn more during your training sessions, only if you take my offer, of course".

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat