chapter 45

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The nature was sullen in the morning, cotton clouds had covered the whole sky as they sent irresistible, scotch mist scattering in all directions, clothing the environment with its cold, white blanket. Heaviness had settled around as clouds threw down heavy drops of rain as if they were crying bitterly, spreading their spooky grumbles and growls in the air every time lightning would flash in the atmosphere.

A heavy sound of thunderstorm woke up the pink haired male who laid on the couch and slept peacefully after many nights of sleeplessness. He shifted his body slightly as his eyes fluttered open, greeted by the gloomy weather of the nature while the only thing he could hear was the pleasant sound of rain drops slamming against the ground, followed by the growl of clouds occasionally.

He was feeling rested, which he hadn't felt for a while. His body and every muscle was relaxed and Yeonjun was feeling better than ever even though there were many problems laying on his shoulders. He sat up to look out of the window and see the rain decorating the atmosphere, pouring nice sensations into his soul. His head jerked towards the bed where the blue haired male laid curled up into a ball in his sleep and hugging himself to warm his body since the blanket was covering him only halfway. Yeonjun's lips curled up into a small subconscious smile as he got on his feet and walked towards the bed. He bent his body a bit to grab the blanket and pull it up over younger's body carefully. His eyes fixed on his peaceful face, adoring the person who had never left his side after he showed up in his life. He didn't know how he was supposed to pay for everything he had done for him, his heart was feeling very warm when he was staring at him, caressing his every feature with his dark brown eyes which radiated huge sympathy through them, embracing younger's body in affectionate hug.

The sky thundered out, causing the pink haired male to flinch since he was roughly pulled out of his trance. His heart quickened in his chest in sudden fear as his lips let out a heavy groan. He moved away from Soobin's bed and lazily walked into the living room, going to his bag in which his clothes were placed. He unzipped it and grabbed the first pair of clothes that stood in his sight since he was lazy to search for the other ones. He changed into his green oversized sweater and black pants and headed to the bathroom afterwards. He was walking out of it when he heard the knock on the door. He marched towards the entrance while praying in his mind that it wouldn't be Yoongi on the other side of the door since he didn't want his good mood to be spoiled, so he sighed in relief when he opened the door and saw one man from their mafia standing there with some bags in his hands which were filled with different foods.

"Hello, sir. Mr. Min ordered me to bring these to you", he said, extending the bag to the younger boy who smiled politely.

"Thanks", he replied, taking the bags from the man who bowed and left the place afterwards.

Yeonjun closed the door and went into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and placed the food inside it. He washed the dishes which were kept into cupboards since they were dusty from being there without anyone touching it for a very long time and started preparing pizza afterwards. He had been shedding pretty much tears recently and now he wanted to be cheerful because he was extremely tired from letting his pain destroy his every day. He was trying not to think about anything bad at least that day and let the blue haired boy see his cheerful side too.

He took pizza out of the oven as soon as it was ready and sliced it into pieces, placing each one of them on one big plate afterwards. He placed it in the middle of the table in the kitchen and took two more plates from the cupboard to place it on different edges of the surface. He heated the water after that and made two cups of coffee even though he knew Soobin didn't like it. Yeonjun put them with the empty plates before going out of the kitchen and walking into the room to wake the younger male up.

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