chapter 87

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It was a sunny day but the soft breeze was still blowing in the air and making the leaves rustle around the house. Everyone was up early, Yoongi and Jimin were in the living room with the pink haired male who was trying hard to contact Bang Chan, but vainly since it looked like he had no longer had the same number which was making Yeonjun more furious than he already was, "Dammit!", he yelled angrily and threw the phone to the ground, breaking it into pieces which made two other males flinch before Yoongi looked at him with angry eyes.

"Stop it!", he said in annoyance, "We are all worried but no one acts like you!"

Yeonjun ran his palms over his face as he sighed in despair and flopped onto the couch. Yoongi was right, he had been giving in to his emotions too much recently and sometimes he had no control over himself at all, but you can't blame him. Even if he and Soobin would never be together again, he still wanted to save him as fast as possible, then he wouldn't be worried at least about his life. Watching the emptiness on his finger, his heart was feeling like it had lost its biggest piece. His chest was feeling exactly as empty as his hand and he wanted to cry nonstop, but he was feeling like he hadn't any more tears to shed after the last night. His pillow was probably still wet from them.

"What should we do?", he asked in a desperate voice as he uncovered his face and stared in the space with a miserable gaze.

"I'll call, Jungkook", Yoongi announced, "They will try to find him. Where is he, do you know?", he asked Jimin now who nodded his head.

"He was in France when I last talked to him"

"Okay", Yoongi nodded his head in satisfaction as he grabbed his phone and got on his feet, "I'll come back soon", he said and walked up to the exit door, going outside.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu had just entered his room where Taehyun was sitting at the window and looking outside with sad eyes, but he turned his head to the silver haired male immediately as he heard the door cracking sound and leaped up from his seat, "Gyu", he spoke in a hopeful voice as he got close to him, but Beomgyu was avoiding his stare at all costs which was breaking younger's heart.

"I came to get my phone", he mumbled under his breath and tried to walk to the nightstand where his mobile phone was placed but Taehyun stood in front of him and didn't let him take any step.

"Why are you acting like this?", he asked in a broken voice and Beomgyu felt a little pang in his chest. He had no answer on younger's question because he didn't know why he was avoiding him, at least it wasn't his fault whatever happened last night.

"I'm not in the mood", he mumbled, trying to defend himself, "Move off my way, please"

Taehyun's orbs filled with tears and Beomgyu had no idea of it since he was looking everywhere except his eyes. His heart was feeling too heavy because he didn't want to treat him like that, but he couldn't help it. His mind was nothing but a big mess at the moment but he had no strength of discussing anything with him, he just needed some time for himself, "Tae-", he wanted to say something, he wanted to tell him that he would talk to him later and that he didn't need to be so sad, but he couldn't since terrible sounds of gunshots echoed throughout the atmosphere maliciously at that moment, hitting both of them with sudden waves of terror as their faces went totally pale. Awful cracking sound of glasses was heard from inside the house and Taehyun stood glued to his spot, dread holding him in a tight grip. He would probably get shot too if Beomgyu didn't wrap his arms around his shocked body and didn't pull themselves down briskly before the bullets pierced through the window of their room.

Taehyun pressed his palms against his ears as his terrorized eyes roamed all over the floor, his heart skipping a beat after every gunshot sound which would fill his ears frighteningly. His body shook under Beomgyu's weight who was doing everything to cover him even though he was just as scared as him. Bullets were flying over them and cold sweat formed on older's forehead but he tried to stay calm. Dread kept flashing through his body and his eyes were wide as he his mind kept trying to find the way out but it seemed too paralyzed from fear for that while his ears kept being filled with gunshot and cracking sounds followed by others calling something downstairs. Beomgyu quickly but carefully got on his feet and grabbed the desk near him. He turned it over and and flopped it on the ground before placing himself behind it and pulling it to younger's body who got on knees immediately, his eyes looking with a horrified gaze at the older boy as they kept trying find something comforting in them.

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