thorny roses

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After some months from medical experiment, one innocent boy disappeared off the face of the earth and had never returned since then. No one knew where he was and why they had taken him. After some years, his brother goes back to Korea to look for him and crosses his path with the ruthless mafia boss and his dearest cousin, Yeonjun. Many secrets are waiting ahead to be revealed.

"You can't hurt me, baby. I can't feel pain"

"Save me"


There are different TXT ships Yeongyu, Sookai, Yeonbin and Taegyu. Side ships are Yoonmin, Taekook, Namjin.

This is a sci-fiction, mystery, horror(a little bit) and criminal AU, which contains many violent and 18+ scenes and lots of blood. Read at your own risk.

Updates are gonna be slow.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you like the story.


Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt