chapter 56

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Yeonjun got out of his car as he parked it outside, hesitantly getting in the yard of Soobin's house afterwards. He had no idea what he was doing there and why he accepted going to that house, to to hurt himself even more? No, his heart just ached too much at hearing the blue haired male crying miserably into the phone and begging him to come to him. How could he say no to him when he was the only reason of his horrible pain? No one knew how much Yeonjun wanted to fix whatever he had done wrong, to somehow bring Kai back into that world and he would even accept seeing him with Soobin for the sake of the blue haired boy being happy and not in the worst nightmare of his life.

Yeonjun saw how Felix and Hyunjin were sitting at the table in the yard, doing nothing but their eyes diverted to him as soon as he appeared in their sight, looking at him with unknown, but creepy expression spread over their faces which made the pink haired boy uncomfortable, feeling small under their gaze. He tried to shake it off and ignore them as he arrived at the door. He entered inside, seeing Jimin sitting on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared into the space with pained and cold eyes which didn't even spare a single glance at him as he muttered under his breath, "Soobin is upstairs, waiting for you. Enter the first room on the left side"

Yeonjun gulped down heavily, wondering why everyone was acting so weird. Sure, they had just lost very important person to them, but there was something else wrong with their behavior, making Yeonjun shake from fear of them knowing he was the one who had killed their friend.

Even though, terror and pain conquered his body, he knew there was no way back since he had already stepped inside, so he timidly sauntered upstairs, trying suppress hot tears that kept longing to water his eyes. He hesitantly grabbed the handle of the door behind which Soobin was supposed to be standing, either furious at him or in a big pain. His heart kept clenching painfully as he pulled the handle down, hesitantly opening the door and revealing the blue haired male sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes traveling to the older boy with an unknown stare instantly.

"Come in", he said in a calm, but tired voice, so Yeonjun tried to ignore a huge pain caused by his guilt that kept gnawing at his heart, digging holes into it.

He stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him, his hurt stare roaming over the room which was decorated with red roses and one of them was placed even on the nightstand, "Get close", Soobin said under his breath and Yeonjun hesitated but he still mustered up enough courage and went towards him, thinking Soobin wouldn't seem so calm if he knew the identity of the killer of his boyfriend.

Yeonjun stood several steps away from him as he kept trying not to cry. Soobin got on his feet, taking the rose carefully from the nightstand, his fingers carelessly wrapped around the sharp thorns of it, "I know you love roses", he said quietly as he stepped to the older boy, not looking at him in the eyes, "I've got this one for you", he uttered, extending the flower to the pink haired boy who stared at him in disbelief, not sure if he was supposed to take it or not. Soobin's actions were already scaring him, because he was crying bitterly when he called him and now he seemed very calm, "Take it"

Yeonjun slowly moved his hand to the stalk of the rose, almost cutting his finger on the thorns as his eyes kept staring at the younger boy's cold ones with teary and scared gaze while slowly taking the flower from him, his eyes now traveling down to it, causing his heart almost to stop at the sight of the shiny object placed between the petals. His hands started to shake and more tears welled up in his eyes as he brought his another hand to the object and pulled it out, tears streaming down his face when he saw the necklace of his, knowing he should have lost it while fighting with Kai.

He moved his lips as he tried to find proper words to explain everything to him, his eyes staring at the blue haired boy desperately, shining from tears, "I-", he choked out, "I-"

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Where stories live. Discover now