chapter 44

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Yoongi was going to his home by foot, trying to cool off his mind, when Seokjin called him, making Yoongi confused since he hadn't given any task to him recently.

"Yoongi!", he heard him yelling as soon as he picked up his call, causing him to assume that something very bad had happened, "He knows!"

"What?", Yoongi asked in frustration.

"Huening Kai! He knows that Yeonjun is your brother!"

Yoongi was stopped in his tracks, his eyes growing wide as extreme horror attacked his mind, making him go pale. His heart began hammering against his chest and throbbed painfully in his ears as his mind got completely clouded by terror.

"You need to take him from there or Huening's gonna do it, do you hear me?"

Yoongi's whole life flashed before his eyes and the last thing that remained in his mind was Yeonjun, making him instantly come to his mind. Yoongi stumbled on his place as he got alarmed all of a sudden, causing him to decline the call immediately and ran forward in a speed of light, not even caring about his legs hurting like hell. Cold air was hitting his face as he kept darting in a direction of his home like the strong wind, shoving away everyone who would stand on his way on the sidewalk. His mind could think about nothing but his brother who was in a great danger right at that moment. He knew it would happen, that his enemy would finally get to him and that was exactly what he had been afraid of ever since the day their experiment was held and why he had been lying to Yeonjun about his past, but his efforts seemed to have no use since he still got exposed by enemy when even Yeonjun didn't know his real identity himself. What was he supposed to tell him now?

On the other hand, Soobin was trying to contact his boyfriend after he was out of hospital, travelling to home by taxi, but Kai kept ignoring his calls for some reason and Soobin was about to go crazy since he was very afraid that something bad had happened to him. He payed the driver after the car stopped at the house and got outside, he was immediately greeted by Yoongi who ran into the yard as a crazy person even though he seemed very tired of running and was panting heavily.

Soobin frowned and followed him behind with quick paces, seeing how Yoongi stormed into the house and dashed upstairs instantly. He rushed into Yeonjun's room, but ran up to Beomgyu's one when he couldn't find the pink haired boy inside. Fortunately, Yeonjun was there, laying on Beomgyu's bed and looking forward meaninglessly, but his eyes snapped to the brown haired male when he heard the sound of the door cracking open.

"Get up!", Yoongi announced categorically while gasping for air, causing Yeonjun to frown and sit up in bed curiously, "Pack your clothes, we're going from here"

"What?!", Yeonjun yelled at once, glancing up at the male in shock, his eyes wide in shock.

"Hurry up!", Yoongi yelled angrily, "We have no much time"

Soobin was standing at the door, watching them and listening to them while getting confused about Yoongi's behaviours. What would happen to him if they left the house?

"Where are we going?", Yeonjun asked as he got up from the bed, looking at Yoongi confusingly.

"Yeonjun, there is no time for questions. Go and pack your clothes, do you hear me? Do it as fast as possible, I'll be waiting for you in the car"

Yoongi attempted to go out of the room but Yeonjun's answer stopped him in his tracks-

"No!", the younger stated angrily, "I'm not going anywhere until you explain everything to me! I'm fed up with your secrets!"

Yoongi turned around to face him again, losing his patience more and more every second as fear and rage kept getting stronger inside him, making his face go red. He didn't say any more words as he walked up to the pink haired boy and grabbed his arm, forcefully dragging him towards the door but Yeonjun kept resisting and pulling his body back.

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu