chapter 22

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A heavy gloom was set in the atmosphere, while cold breeze was caressing every little thing in its path. The blue haired boy was going downstairs in a slow, careful pace with a bobby pin in his palm which was a replacement of keys since there was no way he could get them. He slipped the pin in his pocket as he spotted Taehyung on the couch, watching TV with a bored expression, his eyes half closed from heavy sleepiness that he was trying to fight with. He flinched slightly when Soobin called him since he expected everyone to be already asleep.

"Soobin?", he asked, taking his eyes off the TV and darting them to the blue haired boy who slowly made his way towards him.

"You look sleepy, Taehyung hyung", he said in a kind voice, "Go to sleep. I'll stay here, I can't sleep anyways".

Taehyung shook his head, "No, I promised Yoongi and Jungkook that I would take good care of Jimin. Sit with me instead if you can't sleep, we can chat".

Soobin cursed in his mind as he shook his head hesitantly and scratched his neck. "I have to get my phone first. I was looking out of the window and dropped it accidentally".

"Oh. Okay", Taehyung nodded and Soobin gave him a fake smile before sauntering towards the door, preparing himself for tricking security guards too. The doorman who was standing at the front door noticed him as soon as Soobin opened the it and gave him a questioning look. "Where are you going, sir?"

"I accidentally dropped my cell phone from the window and I'm gonna pick it up. It's in the backyard", Soobin explained, obviously lying since he wanted to pass by the window of that room where Jimin was locked.

"I'll tell guards and they will get it for you", the watchman offered politely, followed by the blue haired male shaking his head in disagreement urgently.

"Thanks, but I don't want to bother you. I'll get it myself".

The man wanted to argue, but finally decided to only nod his head and let the boy go. Soobin sighed in relief mentally as he walked down the stairs and made his way to the left side of the house, coming across some guards on his way who were just walking around the house. When Soobin was on the necessary location he looked around carefully, seeing the guard from the other side walking towards his direction unhurriedly, so he quickly took advantage of the situation when no one could see him, and tapped the glass with his pin between the window grills before quickly making his way into the backyard.

Jimin's head snapped towards the window as soon as he heard the sound, figuring someone was trying to get his attention. He swiftly got up from the bed and gained his whole strength to pull himself to the window with the bed chained to his wrist, trying to make as less noise as possible, panting on every step. When he finally reached the window, he opened it, trying to see through the grills who tapped on it few minutes ago, but he flinched and crouched down under the window as soon as he spotted the head of the guard, hoping he hadn't noticed him. His hope was justified since the guard just passed by without even catching sight of the open window, soon followed by the ticking sound of the pin which was quickly thrown through the grills and dropped on the floor as Soobin passed by the window again on his way back home.

Jimin grabbed the pin without thinking twice and inserted the flat end of it into the lock which was placed on the big iron wrapped around his wrist. He bent the pin and stuck it further inside as he started making attempts to unlock it which ended successfully. He finally released his bruised wrist and rubbed it before standing up and closing the window secretly while shoving the pin in his pocket, pressing against the wall right beside the door afterwards and waiting for Soobin to make a second move since he knew he wouldn't be able to escape from guards without his help. On the other hand, Soobin walked up to the front door again, guard questioning at once if he had found his phone, so Soobin showed it to him with a joyful smile spread on his face. "Yeah. I got it. Thanks", he said politely, before entering inside and seeing Taehyung sleeping with his head on the handle of the couch. The blue haired boy smirked evily as he walked up to him, spreading a scared and worried expression all over his face before nudging him strongly and causing him to flutter his eyes open at once. "Hyung, I heard a noise from his room", he said in a scared voice, pointing his finger towards Jimin's room and making the older boy jump up from his seat hurriedly. Taehyung stormed to the room, Soobin following him behind, and listened carefully, hearing completely nothing but a dead silence.

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora