chapter 89

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The world was absorbed in the darkness and the clock was ticking maliciously, taking away more seconds, minutes and hours of everyone's lives with a simple motion of its hand and bringing them one minute or one day closer to death. That's how life always works, someone survives when someone else dies and sometimes death may even mean keeping our promises. Death can happen when you're still alive too and breathing like a normal person, but you know you're shattered inside. What can happen worst than that?

What was the meaning of Soobin's life who was locked up in the basement and was powerless to against the pain of his loved ones?

Izanagi was so furious when he found out that General Minho had betrayed him by the night. He instantly blamed Soobin in forming alliances with the General amd setting this trap for him together, that's why he locked him up in a cold basement. He was right though. Soobin really formed an alliance with the General when he visited him the previous night after his brutal fight with Yeonjun. General Minho didn't say anything to him since was afraid that his and Bang Chan's plans would fail if he told the truth to Soobin, so he kept his mouth shut, but Soobin didn't need to know anything, he just needed one thing from him - a promise that he would protect everyone if Izanagi was planning to do something terrible to them and General Minho agreed to that. Soobin knew he was a dignified man, so he trusted him. However, what he didn't know was that Izanagi would decide to start acting so soon and attack them that morning. And even though General had kept his promise, he couldn't manage to protect everyone. Soobin had just heard that Beomgyu had gotten shot and he didn't even want to imagine how Yeonjun and Taehyun were suffering now. Even though he wouldn't manage to do anything about it, Soobin wished he was there with them just to see everything with his own eyes, but here he was instead, sitting in the dark basement and leaning against the wall. His only companion was the ring in his palm. It wasn't fair, but Soobin wasn't surprised because that's how his life had always been. It had never been fair to him.

That ring was supposed to be the promise that Soobin would manage to go back to him, but Yeonjun got rid of it without even thinking twice and Soobin knew very well what that meant for them. It meant that he would never go back. Yeonjun just killed him with his own hands.

He didn't even know what time it was, but the only thing he knew was that he wasn't sleepy at all. Minutes and hours were passing by and he was still there, completely unaware of what was happening in the outside world. He could only imagine in how much misery his brother was at the moment as he was still sitting in the hall with a teddy bear in his hands which he had taken from the house when he went there in the evening to change his clothes. They all knew Izanagi had already checked that place and wouldn't go there anymore, so it wasn't dangerous but the whole environment was so sickening that Taehyun left it just in minutes without taking even shower even though he was stained with blood. The operation ended 4 hours ago and Beomgyu needed blood transfusion since he had lost really much blood. Yoongi was the first one who gave him some, then Taehyun took his place since it was dangerous to take so much blood from one person. The doctor said that they managed to save him, but his condition was very critical and he didn't give them any hope. Beomgyu was now in the reanimation room, connected to the apparatus and no one knew whether he would make it or not. That was why Taehyun was hugging the teddy bear instead of him now and remembering how Beomgyu used to sleep with it every night even when he was lying on Taehyun's chest. He was feeling somehow guilty too, because if he hadn't hit the older boy and distracted him by that, Beomgyu would have managed to save himself from that bullet. The idea of him never waking up again was haunting Taehyun's heart and he didn't know what to do to help him. He was powerless. He just wanted his lover to open his eyes because after that Taehyun would make sure to apologize to him once more and shower him with the love he deserved.

The time was passing by and Jimin and Yoongi were sitting outside of the hospital on the bench. The doctors had already given treatment to Yoongi's wound on his arm, but he couldn't care less about that since his mind was only occupied by thoughts about Beomgyu and Yeonjun. The silence had settled around them and Jimin was trying to find the ways to comfort the older male because his heart was feeling heavy from seeing him in so much pain for some reason. Maybe they weren't talking and sharing words, but at least Jimin was providing him with his company which was a big comfort for the brown haired male. He was trying his best to get himself together and not to cry, but when Jimin scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, emotions took control of him and he broke down in his embrace. Jimin was feeling pang in his chest because he had never seen him so desperate, in such a terrible condition, but even if Yoongi seemed always cold and tough, he was still human too like others and he had feelings too which could hurt like that.

More minutes flied past, and it was 1am when Jaguar mafia appeared in the hospital, leaving all their guns and all the necessary equipments in the car which Yoongi sent to them to the airport. Minho's pilot talked to him a few hours ago, and told him that they were going to start the attack on the mysterious facility at 5 am, therefore, they needed to meet in Bang Chan's place for 4 am. Izanagi had been furiously searching for them after getting to know about Beomgyu's condition and he managed to find them. But it was a hospital, there was no way his men would attack them and kill them there, so he had to wait. Fortunately, Jimin managed to notice the car which he knew belonged to Izanagi since he had spent many years with him. There was a man keeping eye on them secretly. Jimin's discovery was a big advantage to Jaguar mafia because they managed to trick that man and get rid of him soon when they were on their way to Bang Chan's place.

They all were wearing all blacks and hoods on their heads while their faces were covered with black masks, because they knew, Izanagi would keep an eye on the entire city now and it wouldn't be good if he saw them in any of the survelliance cameras in the streets.

It was already 3 am and Yeonjun had only slept for an hour. He was already completely ready for the war, but all he could think was the silver haired male even though there were not even a single tear in his eyes anymore. He was just sitting at the window and looking outside, watching how the moon was floating through the sky, swimming over and behind the clouds. He was feeling like he was back in the past when Beomgyu was on the edge of death and Yeonjun would never imagine that he would have to go through this fear ever again after that. But the life is full of surprises and sometimes it repeats the events of the past. He didn't even know if Soobin was alive or not, because how would he know what the life was planning for them? It had already been more than a week from Soobin's operation and Yeonjun was also scared to death that they would do something bad to him and Soobin would feel pain. He didn't want it to happen that way, he didn't want Soobin to feel that when he was alone like that because the first time wasn't going to be easy after so many years. Even the thoughts about it was killing the pink haired boy from inside.

Yeonjun didn't even notice when the last hour passed by so quickly, because soon he saw the van stopping at the building which pulled him out of the sea of his thoughts and brought him back to reality at once. General Minho and Bang Chan perked up their ears immediately too and everyone arrived at the door. All the members of Jaguar mafia with Jimin went outside and slammed the doors of the van close before marching towards the building. Yeonjun's eyes widened when he glimpsed Seokjin among them because he hadn't seen him for ages, he didn't even remember about his existence for years. He saw how a happy but also sad smile spread on the older's face when he saw his old friend after so long time and they embraced each other tightly with loud beating hearts. It felt so good to hug a long missed friend like that, it was comforting to feel his warm arms around his body and Yeonjun did everything to hold himself back from crying when many emotions started to arise in him.

"How is he?" Yeonjun asked his brother in a worried voice after he greeted everyone. They all went into the building.

"There's nothing new," Yoongi said in distress, "He's still in the reanimation."

Yeonjun took a mental sigh but still managed to maintain his composure on the outside since it was not time for worries now, so he simply nodded his head as he tried to fight off the pang which was tearing his heart into million pieces. Bang Chan and Minho went to take their weapons while Yeonjun got his and tucked them into his waistband and leg gun holsters which were wrapped around his thighs on his black leather high waisted pants. He was wearing shoulder-off black crop top above his waist with gun holsters around his body and he didn't even notice that he used to dress like that before the fights, however, he wasn't even expecting any bottle to happen when he put those clothes on in the morning.

They all headed to the van and placed themselves inside. The moon was disappearing behind the clouds again and darkening their road. Yeonjun was sitting at the window and looking up at the sky. His mind was sunk in different thoughts, and there was something else he couldn't notice about himself...

his first meeting with Soobin - that was exactly how he was dressed that fatal night...


Well, new chapters ended up being too long and I had to split two of them. So there will be more than three chapters before the epilogue. Thanks so much for your patience and support

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя