chapter 81

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There was a dense bright green forest spread throughout the entire environment with the calm, blue sea in front. Beomgyu was standing between the giant trees as his eyes were glued to the girl dressed in the beautiful white dress while she sat on the land and played in the water with her fingers. Her black, long wavy locks were spread all over her shoulders and back and her face was blurry before Beomgyu didn't get closer to her and saw her clearly now. He had no idea how he ended up in that strange place because he remembered that he fell asleep with Taehyun at night and he wasn't feeling like it was reality either. It more looked like a dream. He didn't know why he was looking at that girl with so curious eyes but he kept staring anyways and he knew he had never seen her before, or so he thought.

"Do you want to play with me?", the girl asked suddenly, pulling him out of his thoughts as he furrowed his eyebrows, not even having idea what she was talking about, "I love playing with people", she announced as she looked up at the flustered male and gave him an innocent smile, but Beomgyu knew something dangerous was hiding behind that innocence.

"Who are you?", he asked, causing her to get on his feet and smile wickedly in the corner of her lips as she fixed her beautiful long dress.

"I'm bored", she said as she gazed at the younger boy with an intense gaze, sending weird feelings into him, "I want to play. I'll give you hints and you need to figure out what I am trying to tell you. Doesn't that sound fun?" Beomgyu gulped down heavily as he hesitantly nodded his head. At least he was in a dream and there was nothing to be afraid of. He saw very well how her smirk grew even wider on her face, "Look behind you"

Beomgyu obeyed her and started to slowly turn around, his heart shaking from fear of seeing something very scary and terrible, but what he saw was different from that, yet not pleasant to see. There was the middle aged man behind him, looking exactly like Izanagi and holding a gun in his hand which sent unpleasant chills down Beomgyu's spine, yet he tried not to start trembling from fear while his forehead got dewy with a cold sweat, "What does he want, huh?", the girl asked from behind as she brought her lips to younger's ear, causing his hear to rise on his neck from unpleasant chills.

Beomgyu fisted his hand on his side as he looked at the man in front of him with a deadly stare while muttering under his breath, "Blood"

An unpleasant feeling of emptiness woke up Taehyun at midnight and he opened his eyes with a little whine. His head was throbbing painfully and he placed his hand over his forehead, trying to suppress his pain but he completely forgot about it when he saw that Beomgyu was no longer laying on his chest. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked beside him but Beomgyu was neither on the other side of the bed. There was only his teddy bear which Beomgyu used to sleep with after Taehyun gave it to him. A strong light of the moon helped him to see the silver haired male standing at the edge of the bed, looking at him with strange eyes and doing completely nothing. "Beomgyu?", he called in a surprised tone, but the older male didn't even move, he only kept staring at him, sending weird sensations into younger's stomach, "What are you doing there?", he asked as he pulled the blanket off his body and got up from the bed, turning on the lamp before walking up to the older boy with a concerned face, "Beomgyu!", he called a bit louder this time but still couldn't manage to bring him back to his mind. Taehyun felt some fear as he placed older's face between his palms and tapped his cheek, "Do you hear me?..Beomgyu!", he nearly shouted his name, finally awakening him.

Beomgyu widened his eyes as he looked at the blonde male with a terrorized gaze and let out some whimpers in fear. He was breathing heavily and even more dread rushed into him when he saw himself standing on his feet instead of laying in bed. His heart skipped a beat when he heard that girl's laughing from the dream behind him and his head turned around immediately but there was nothing. His forehead was already sweating as he roamed his panicked orbs around the room but the environment was completely clean.

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