chapter 21

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After returning to the house, Yoongi headed towards Jimin's room at once, since he wanted to check if the younger boy was awake or not. Jungkook and Taehyung still had their eyes kept on him even though Jimin was actually chained to the bed and Soobin was still waiting for the proper time to sneak into his room. When Yoongi entered inside, Jimin's eyes were still closed but fortunately he wasn't shaking or sweating this time, seemed like his temperature was normal now, so he walked up to his bed to make sure he wasn't sick anymore. Yoongi leaned down to him and placed his palm against younger's forehead, satisfied that he wasn't hot. He was going to take his hand off his face when suddenly Jimin opened his eyes and without giving the older time to think, he swiftly flipped him over and pushed him onto the bed, stradling his lap and getting on top of him himself while pressing his chained arm against his throat. "Unlock my hand", he commanded, but Yoongi only returned a cold glare to him.

"What else would you order me?", he asked sarcastically, "Seems like you're feeling completely fine now".

"I'll feel even better if you are a good boy and let me get out of your fucking house".

Yoongi quickly turned him over with a swift motion and pinned his hands on the bed, but since a long chain placed on Jimin's hand was tangled and wrapped around Yoongi's back now, noticeably reducing the space between them, their faces were only some centimetres apart, both frozen on their places while each of them tried to still play it cool. They were stubbornly looking into each others' eyes, their hot breaths hitting their faces and making goosebumps rise on their skins, until Yoongi moved his stare from younger's eyes to his fluffy lips, fighting off his urge to kiss him with his whole strength, but Jimin's mind was somewhere else in that moment and he couldn't even notice that. He was back in 2010 as he stared into Yoongi's eyes and saw the boy who watched indifferently how he was being tortured with tons of needles and punches that would always fly to his face unhesitatingly if he tried to confront. Now he wanted to choke the older to death, feeling how hatred and disgust filled every part of his body, but he also knew he couldn't expose himself like that until Yoongi remembered him by himself.

Yoongi quickly managed to replace his passion with confidence and returned his gaze to younger's eyes which were looking up at him with something disclosed glistering in them. "What about you being a good boy instead and shutting your pretty mouth before I do?", he replied assuredly, sending shivers down younger's spine for some reason.

"Fuck off!", Jimin growled angrily before Yoongi slipped out of the chain got off the bed, looking amusingly at the younger boy who wouldn't stop trying to tear his chain off the bed leg, growling loudly at seeing he could do nothing about it.

"How do you know Beomgyu?", Yoongi gave him the same question as the last night, looking at him with curiosity this time since he needed answers to reduce his frustration even for a bit.

Jimin stopped at that and glanced up at the coffee haired male with flustered eyes, anxiety entering his body and he didn't even know why. "Who's Beomgyu?"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes and lifted his eyebrow, knowing there was no way Jimin didn't know the silver haired boy since Beomgyu seemed to recognize him very well. "That boy who tried to attack you last night", he explained while observing younger's face very well and seeing nothing but a big confusion mixed with some fear, "Don't you remember?"

Jimin averted his gaze and slowly nodded his head, figuring what the other male was talking about, "I do, but I don't know him", he said in a quiet voice, falling silent for some seconds afterwards before setting his now cold and irritated eyes on older's ones and huffing in annoyance, "It's not my fault if you have psychos in your house".

Yoongi gave him a glare, not doubting his sincerity anymore, so he simply turned around and walked out of the room, greeted by Taegyung's presence in the living room who as it seemed was waiting for him.

Thorny Roses || YeonBin/TaeGyu/YeonGyu/SooKai AU✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن