chapter 86

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It was midnight when Soobin stopped at the house he had lived in ever since his childhood, but was a completely unknown place to him now. His eyes were still red rimmed and swollen which was making it obvious that he had been crying really hard. He wasn't afraid of going into the house at all, and he wouldn't be scared a bit even if Izanagi or his people would aim millions of guns at him. His heart was too broken to let him feel any kind of fear anymore. "Son?!", Izanagi called in surprise when he saw the blue haired male in the hall, his eyes grew wide in shock, "I wasn't expecting you to come today", he announced as he walked to the younger boy and embraced him into his arms and Soobin didn't even have any strength to feel disgusted by his touch, there were only tears filling his eyes over again, "What's wrong? Have you cried?", Izanagi asked when he drew back and saw his puffy face which was placed between his palms after that.

"I'm here now", Soobin spoke in a small voice, "Please, don't harm them", he begged which made older's eyes soften even more, "I'll be a good boy, I promise. I will never go anywhere after that, but leave them alone, please"

Izanagi nodded his head immediately as he stared at him with a concerned expression, "Okay", he said in a sympathetic voice, "I will only make sure that they will go back to Korea, because I don't want them to create any problem to me if they stay here, but", he remarked in a warning, but still in a bit gentle tone now, "But I don't want you to contact them, do you hear me? I think you are clever enough to not put them in danger by something like that. I need you to give me you phone, I'll return it to you when I make sure that you won't decide to cheat, okay?"

Soobin nodded his head as he cursed secretly in his mind and pulled the phone out of his pocket, giving it to the older in front of him before he looked down at the floor, "Can I ask you something, appa?", he asked in a small voice, causing a smile to spread on older's face at hearing his last word again after so long time while he shoved younger's phone in his pocket.

"Sure, you can", he replied immediately in joy.

"Why have you been taking psychotropic medications during the last several years or why did you use to wake up at nights with screaming?"

Izanagi got taken aback by his question and his face went pale in a split second, but he decided to shake it off as he asked in confusion, "Why are you asking it, son? I used to have nightmares, that's why I decided to consult a psychiatrist and he gave me those medications"

Soobin doubted his words very much but decided not to question him further, so he simply nodded his head, pretending to believe him. "It's very late", Izanagi spoke again, "Go take a shower and sleep, okay? Your room is already prepared for you"

Soobin obeyed him and went up into his room as he wiped his tears from his face, trying to calm himself down since he didn't want to cry any longer. Izanagi smiled genuinely as the boy disappeared from his eyesight, knowing finally he had got him back and they would live together again like they used to in the past. He pulled out his phone as soon as he made sure that Soobin was gone and found General Minho's number in his contacts before sending the following message to him-

'We have to carry out our plans tomorrow morning. Kill everyone and get the scientist. I won't forgive you any mistake'


Beomgyu and Yeonjun were sitting on the bed together while the older boy sobbed against younger's chest who kept rubbing his hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. Yeonjun didn't even know what hurt the most, that Soobin had gone to the murderer, that he had hit him again or that there was no engagement ring on his finger any longer. Everything had fallen apart in a split second and he still wasn't able to believe it. They were so happy together just some hours ago and how did they manage to destroy each other and their relationship so soon? Yeonjun knew that not everything was Soobin's fault, he was the one to be blamed too because he hurt him by his words very much. He knew how much Soobin was in love with Kai, yet he told him such terrible things about him. Now he was doubting terribly that being in a relationship with Soobin was a good idea in the first place, Soobin said that their complicated past was the best foundation for their future, on which they would be able to build their home, but now here they were, hurt by each other awfully once more. It looked like it had no end. Why did he ever think that it was a right decision to love someone whose significant other's murderer was no one other but him? Or how did Soobin ever manage to forgive him such an awful thing? Yeonjun couldn't just stop tears which were pouring out of his eyes like a river, neither sobs which were willing to choke him as they kept knocking air out of his lungs that were already hurting from so much intensity.

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