chapter 58

218 21 21

Half an hour earlier

Yeonjun was sitting in the living room, on the sofa with a little chip in his palm, looking down at it with lifeless and dejected eyes, his stare expressing nothing but unbearable pain and extinguished sparks of life. He was no longer feeling anything, his body and mind was numb. He was feeling like a dead soul in the destroyed body, flesh and bones he wanted to get rid of. His life had turned into trash, that was exactly the word Yeonjun would describe it and even him was no longer anything more than that. Every strength was taken away from him and he didn't want to see the sun rising up anymore.

Life seemed too hungry for his pain to let him be happy even for a day. His wish was very simple, he wanted to end his pain because Soobin had refused to do it. He wasn't mad at him at all, because Soobin was right, he deserved every minute of torture he had put him through and he couldn't be more destroyed than that, because he was already tired of feeling pain all the time, of life and everyone hurting him so mercilessly. He no longer wanted the life which didn't love him even for a bit.

Yeonjun slipped the chip in his pocket and got on his feet, lazily walking over to the gasoline tanks and taking them in his hands. He went outside and soaked the outer walls of the house with the liquid, saturating the atmosphere with a pungent smell. He spilled it inside the house too, painting the walls in its strong scent, a small smile plastering over his lips, knowing everything would come to the end very soon, he would make his life come to a full stop and he would be able to finally get rid of the unimaginable pain which wasn't stopping stabbing his heart.

He threw the empty tanks away, now holding a match in his hand and igniting it, his eyes staring at the little fire with sparks of hope swimming behind his tears, knowing it would be able to take his pain away, so he just dropped it on the floor, in the gasoline, watching how the fire ignited immediately, crackles of flames piercing through the quiet atmosphere. Yeonjun never stopped watching it as he took some steps backwards and unhurriedly entered his old room, locking himself in his old shelter. He would die there, in the place where everything started and would take all of his pains away. Everything would end exactly where it had began and he wasn't afraid at all, because the only thing he was scared of, was staying alive. He was too weak for the world that hated him so badly, so he wanted to leave it to not feel loathed anymore, all he wanted to feel was peace and calmness. The fire kept expanding beautifully around house while he laid on the bed, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep since he didn't want to feel the last pain his life would be able to pass on him. The fire hadn't penetrated his room yet but he was already feeling hot while the smoke kept entering his lungs, making him feel dizzy. He didn't care about the sounds of sirens he heard from the outside, because all he was thinking about was to enter the infinite darkness and never come out of it again.

● ○ ●


Two cars stopped behind the firefighters' vehicle, Yoongi, Jimin and Soobin storming outside immediately, their faces getting terrorized at seeing the entire house engulfed in suffocating flames and smoke, knowing Yeonjun was obviously inside, "Have you sent the man inside?!", Yoongi asked the members of the brigade instantly, followed by one man nodding his head.

"Yes, but he found no one there"

His words made Yoongi's face flare from rage, immediately getting red, "Are you fucking crazy?!", he shouted at the top of his lungs, making the man flinch, "My brother is fucking inside! He will fucking die there!"

"Sir, we- Hey! Stop!", the fire fighter yelled as he saw the blue haired boy running towards the house, making Yoongi's eyes snap to the younger at once, his heart beating hard against his chest.

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