/27. Poor Cub (1)/

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Chaeyoung's PoV

I'm in my room when I heard my phone ring. As I looked into it, I saw Mina's name.

Maybe she's in her house already.

I watched the Livestream and was surprised that she went in tonight's schedule. She looks so fine.

I turned my look on my phone again and answered the call.


["Chaeyoung, Hi. How are you?"]

I paused first as I suddenly thought if I should answer her? I just lost a friend, then I think I already lost her. Call me dramatic but I know I love Mina, but I guess it's not for me. She's not for me.

"it's fine." I simply said.

["Oh good, Mr. Park said you had a day off. I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway, I have good news to say!"

I knew it, since I watched the Livestream I know that she had a great day a while ago...

"really? I can say that's it's really good news." I said and smiled bitterly.

["Well yeah, if you are just here you'll see my gummy smile that you really love."] she said confidently.

I paused once again, it's just never heard that before maybe I did but this time... she's so confident with it. She really had a great day huh?

["I-i mean everyone loves it."] she said

"Yeah, I'm imagining it," I said and smiled. I suddenly felt a tear drifting down my cheeks.

Is this pain? I don't know...


"Why Mina?"

["Are you sure you're ok?"] as I heard that I suddenly broke down.

No, I'm not fine, I not find.

I want to tell her but this day is for Mina, she looks so happy this day, who I am to ruin it.

"N-ne, Sorry. I need to hang up. Whatever is the good news, I'm happy for you." I said and ended the call.

I covered my mouth as if I don't want any noise to come out. I know no one can hear me but I just can't. Today is not my day. It's really not my day.


Mina's PoV

It's already morning when I went off of my bed and wash. I just had much energy to go out. I want to ask Chaeyoung if she's free for this morning but maybe she's still sleeping so I didn't bother. As I walk out of my room and went downstairs, I saw Sana and Seulgi having a staring contest.

"Seulgi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Mina, you're going out?"

"Yeah, Sana... why did you wake up so early? Did you forgot that you're in the night shift already?" I reminded.

"I just want to, what does she doing here?" Sana asked

"Sana, we talked about this already right?" I said and gave her a look.

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