A day full of experiences - Keade x Reader

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non killing game AU, Kaede and (y/n) are already dating

(y/n) pov

As I packed my stuff together to head home I heard muffled sounds of a piano playing. Listening to the muffled sounds of the piano I packed my stuff, heading to the source of the sound and the closer I got the clearer I heard it. So I could make out the song, it sounded like 'the howls moving castle theme' just played in a distorted way.

The music led me to the music room. Opening the door I saw Kaede sitting at the piano playing, while slightly swinging to the sound. I silently closed the door behind me, walking up to her. I watched her hands literally flowing over the tiles while playing the song, fascinated by how smooth her movements were.

I've always wanted to play the piano, but I never got the chance to learn it. What a shame.

"Is there something you need (y/n)?" Kaedes soft voice spoke.

So she noticed me entering and noticed that it was me?

She stopped playing, turning around to face me, a small smile on her lips.

"Oh..uhm.. actually I just wanted to see who was playing this wonderful song" I told her, my cheeks tinting a light pink.

"Aww that's really sweet, thank you" she answered, her cheeks a light pink as well.

"Hey Kaede?"


"Could you..If you don't mind of course, but like...could you teach me how to play this song you were playing on the piano?"

Did I really just ask her? Where did that courage come from all of a sudden!? Well, I'm kinda glad that it came.

"Of course, I would love to!" she replied.

"R-really?" I asked, not believing it.

"Yeah, really, come here sweetie" she said, motioning to her lap.

I sat down on her lap and she placed her hands on the right piano keys.

"Okay, now take your hands and lay them on top of mine and we'll play it together first okay?"

I did as she told me and she began playing while I tried to remember where which finger had to be to play.

We played the song a few times like that when she told me the next step.

"Alrighty, now try to play what you remember and can play on your own."

"I'll try"

And like that I played a few notes I remembered, but only from the left hand, I couldn't really remember much from the right hand since those notes were a bit more complicated.

Once I "finished" I heard an applause come from Kaede.

I turned around to see her applauding and smiling.

"You remembered a lot in that short time, now let's do it like this" while she said that she took my hands, laying hers on top and guiding my hands and fingers to the right keys.

And like that we played for a while, switching positions or just one of us playing alone. I remembered a lot and was able to play about half of the song when we headed home.

Leaving the school building we realized just how late it already was, since it was dark and the stars had come out.

"Hey sweetheart, come with me" I said, gently pulling Kaede with me, while walking into the nearby park.

"Where area we going?" she asked, walking next to me.

"Somewhere, you'll see in a few moments" I told her, walking up the hill.

I stopped walking, sitting down in the grass, patting on my lap. Kaede sat down on my lap, looking up at the stars.

"The stars are so beautiful" she whispered.

I smiled, nodding, "They really are. Kaito taught me some star constellations, I can show you what I remember, it's not much though, since he likes to talk a whole lot as you know" I chuckled.

"Yeah, I know, but he really loves the stars" she giggled.

I lay down, pointing up into the sky at a constellation.

"That's the constellation for the zodiac sign Leo, and in the constellation is Jupiter too"

She looked where I was pointing.

"I see it, it really looks like a lion." she said, fascinated by how clear we were able to see them.

I looked around searching for another one.

"Oh and look" I said, pointing somewhere else, "This is the constellation Libra with Mars located in it."

Kaede turned her head to look where I was pointing, seeing it right away.

"Wow...It's amazing"

I showed her two more constellations before it got pretty cold.

"We should head home, it's getting pretty cold" we said in unison, laughing at the coincidence.

We stood up, brushing the dirt from our clothes before taking each others hand and walking home.

(word count: 796)

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