Forest Picnic - Mahiru x Reader

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non killing game AU

you two are already dating

I noticed that I have a lot of male characters x Reader so I wanna do the girls some justice, that's why there might be more female character x Reader in the next time

Justice for my favourite Danganronpa girls

And BAM one-shot for today, as promised <3

(y/n) pov

"Mahiru come on, wake up" I whined while shaking said girl.

She grumbled and turned around, stretching out her tired body while opening her eyes.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, getting up from the bed.

"What's wrong (y/n)? Why do you have to wake me up at this hour?" she grumbled, still tired.

"We wanted to go on a walk and have a picnic today, remember?"


She stretched her tired body again and got up.

"Alright, breakfast then I'll get ready and we can go"

"Yay" I cheered, walking out of the room.

We went downstairs and ate breakfast, changing into some fitting clothes after. I took the backpack with some food and drinks and Mahiru took the car key, we sat in the car and she started driving.

On the way there we listened to some music and talked a bit.

"Oh look, the sun is coming out" I pointed out, motioning to the clouds that made way for the sun.

"Maybe it's gonna be a bit warmer when we're there so we don't need the jackets" Mahiru thought, turning left.

The streets were pretty empty and even when we drove through a village nearly no one was walking around. It's so empty here today.

After some more driving Mahiru parked the car in the parking lot and we got out. As soon as we got out the warm air hit us.

"You were right, it did get warmer due to the sun coming out"

Mahiru giggled, "It was only logical you dummy"

I chuckled and got the backpack out of the car and then we started walking. Mahiru with her camera ready to take some photos and me walking next to her.

"Mahiru look!" I gasped, pointing to the floor.

"What is it (y/n)?" she asked, turning to me.

"Look it's a lizard!"

And, in fact, there was a small lizard next to the path we were walking on.

"You've got some good eyes" Mahiru giggled, taking a photo of the lizard, who was enjoying the sun.

The path led us from fields into the forest and as soon as it led into the forest grass was slowly taking over more and more of the path. To our dismay it had rained through the night so we were now walking on muddy grass. At least our shoes are waterproof. We followed the path until we found a nice spot in the woods where the sun was shining nicely. We got off the path and walked to that spot, laying down our picnic blanket.

We sat down and ate something as well as drink something (stay hydrated people).

Once we packed the food together so ants wouldn't eat it, I let myself fall to the side, landing on Mahiru.

"I'm tired already"

"Oh come on, we still have to get back" she laughed, brushing through my hair.

"But it's so exhaustiiinnnggg" I whined.

I saw a small butterfly flying around us and then it landed in Mahiru's head.

"Mahiru sit still, don't move at all"

She looked at me confused while I slowly took her camera.

"Gimme a smile you angel"

She smiled and I took a picture, the exact moment I was done taking a picture the butterfly flew away.

"Come on, tell me why did you take a picture? Why did I have to sit still? And how does the picture look?" she shot one question after another.

"Calm down" I laughed, "I took a picture because a butterfly sat on your head, that's why you had to sit still too, and for the picture"

I took a look at the picture and showed it to her.

"Aww you're so good at taking pictures now!"

"You teached me after all, but you look adorable on it"

We talked some more before we packed up and made our way back.

"Ooh look look" I got all excited and picked up a stone that was formed like an egg.

"It's a dragon egg!" I cheered and showed it to Mahiru.

She laughed and looked at it, "You're right, what if we ask Angie if she'd wanna make a dragon that comes out of it?"

"That would be amazing!" I got all excited again and took her hand, shoving the dragon egg in my pocket.

(word count: 792)

I'm sorry that this one's kinda short, but I love the idea, just didn't really know what to write, well, not that much xD

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