How the tables have turned - Nagito x Reader

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this is kind of a sequel to the last chapter, so everything that was important there is important here as well

Nagito pov

I woke up to a coughing someone next to me. I just heard coughing but I couldn't see shit.

Why is it so dark?

Oh yeah, that's right, the curtains were shut because the light hurt my eyes.

I thought a bit and then came to the conclusion:

The coughing someone is my beloved (y/n).

Dammit, they got sick because they cared for me while I've been sick...

I really don't deserve them, risking their health just to help me.

The coughing stopped.

„(y/n)? Are you alright? Do you need anything?"I asked them ready to get up and get them the world if I had to.

„Yeah... I'm fine... I just got a bit sick, I think"they answered with a raspy voice. (y/n) wanted to get up but I pulled them back down onto the bed.

„You stay here, I'll get everything you need" I started


„No buts, you took care of me, I'm better now, so I'll take care of you" I stated, standing up and leaving the room.

I headed down the corridor to the dining hall, getting some food, a cup of camomile tea, some cold water and a cloth, since they probably have a fever as well.

Letting everything stand there I went outside, searching for someone who could help me, not long after I found someone.

I approached him.

„Hey Hajimeeee" I swear I saw him roll his eyes.

„What's wrong Nagito?" He asked sceptical.

„Nothing much, just (y/n) being sick now and I need help carrying everything to them..."I answered

He sighed and stood up

„Alright let's do this, I just hope you won't poison them"

„I would never!"I answered shocked. I never thought he would think of me doing that to them.

He hummed in response and we brought everything to my room.

I quietly thanked him, kneeling down next to the bed.

„Hey there my sunshine"I greeted them, carefully placing my hand on their forehead, hissing and pulling it back immediately.

„You're burning"

„No shit, I think your hand was too"

How can they make jokes even though they're sick as fuck!?

I took the cloth, which was soaked in cold water, and carefully placed it on their forehead. They hold it there, right in place.

„You should take this" I told them, while holding out some medicine. They looked at the medicine and their face made a wonderful grimace, so I laughed.

„What's so funny?" (y/n) glared at me.

„Your face" I answered bluntly.

They silently took the medicine after some more complaining.

„Good, now you should rest, I'll just leave you be, I'm probably just annoying you..." I assumed while standing up.

Setting one foot in front of the other I feel something tug on my green jacket. I turn around to see (y/n) holding the end of my jacket in their hand.

„Don't go" they whispered.

Oh how the tables have turned, a few days ago they wanted to leave and I've been holding onto them, now it's the other way around.

„Fine... but only on one condition"

They looked at me a big question mark on their beautiful face.

"cuddles?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

They chuckled, opening their arms for me. Without hesitation I jumped into their arms, cuddling the cold out of them.

(word count: 590 it's so short OwO)

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