Complicated Braids - Toko x Reader

685 17 8

non killing game AU

This one is short, but I didn't know what else to write I'm sorry

(y/n) pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off.

Groaning I turn it off, getting up and searching for something to wear today.

I opened my dresser, looking through the outfits that all look the same, taking out one of them I put it on.

Knock Knock

"Coming" I said, walking to the door and opening it.

I saw an anxious Toko, looking left and right, hoping that no one would see her. She seemed nervous since she was fiddling with her hair that flew through the air as if it was weightless.

Wait a damn minute-

"Toko why-" I began but she cut me off by pushing me in my room to close the door behind herself.

"Why isn't your hair in two braids like it normally is?" I asked her, curious as to know the sudden change.

"Because I can't braid it" she told me, looking away in embarrassment "Go on j-just laugh at me for that"

"I won't, it's not that easy to braid your own hair, I know that" I protested.

"Y-you won't..?" she asked, looking at me, suspicion glistening in her grey eyes.

"No I won't, do you want me to braid your hair for you?" I proposed.

She looked up at me, disbelief showing in her eyes "Y-you would..?"

"Of course I would, you're my friend after all, I'm here to help you" I held her at her shoulders, giving her a smile.

She awkwardly smiled back at me, pressing her index fingers together.

"Alright then" I sat down on the bed, patting the space next to me "Sit down"

She sat down next to me, handing me the hair ties.

"Should I brush your hair first?" I asked her, standing up again to get a brush.

"I-it would pro-probably make it easier to braid it t-then" she replied, brushing through her hair with her hands while I got my brush. Once I found it I went back and sat down next to her again, starting to brush her hair.

"Your hair is really soft Toko"

"Y-you really think so? I-i think it's pretty silky a-and not really nice" she stuttered, talking herself down.

"Stop talking yourself down Toko, your hair is really soft and nice" I insisted.

She sighed and sat there silent, nervously playing with the hair ties. I continued to brush her hair and parted it in half. I gave her one half, which she continued to brush with her hands, taking the other half I made three equal strands. I took one of the hair ties and put it on my wrist, starting to carefully braid Tokos soft hair.

"If I hurt you let me know and I'll be more careful alright?" I asked her.

She nodded her head slightly, playing with the second hair tie. I finished the first braid, tying the hair tie around the end of the braid.

"Alright, number one is done" I told her, standing up and sitting down on the other side of her, parting the hair into three parts and I started braiding it.

"H-hey (y/n) do you wanna.. m-maybe hang out at the mall with K-kyouko, Aoi, Makoto, Chihiro and m-me today?" Toko stuttered out the invitation.

"I'd love to join you all if it's alright"

"Hehe... That's..That's nice.."

I continued to braid her unique purple hair, making sure not to hurt her in the process. Finishing the braid I take the second hair tie and wrapped it around the braided hair.

"So, we're all done" I told her.

"Thanks... I, I will see you after school at.. at the mall?"

"You bet, I'll be there"


And with that she disappeared out of my room and into the hallway.

(word count: 643)

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