Dancing under Stars - Kokichi x Reader

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Non killing game AU

You're all in 9th grade or 10th something around that time, yes that means you have school

Kokichi content for the one Kokichi Simp that changed Kiibo to Kokichi with someone else in the Zodiac chapter and of course everyone else

(y/n) doesn't crush on him at the start, slightly different from other ones in this point

inspired by me literally having this thing and I had the ball thingy like a week ago, sometime in the dancing lessons I got the idea and now I'm writing it down, finally

(y/n) pov

"Hey hey hey, (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n)"

"What is it Kokichi?" I asked, already annoyed by his presence.

"You're gonna be my partner in crime for those dancing lessons" he exclaimed, pointing at me.

I opened my mouth to disagree but he cut me off by laying one of his fingers over it.

"Nu-uh, no rebuttal you will dance and we will rock this thing like a team of criminals"

I sighed, knowing I won't be able to get myself out of this. Because if Kokichi had a goal in mind he will put every second of his life into achieving it.

"Fine, but one condition"

He looked at me with a questioning look.

"I dance the male steps because you, my friend, are too small"

"That's a-okay with me" he grinned, crossing his arms behind his head, "Well then, I've gotta go and get some leader stuff done, I'll see you later in dancing classes" he winked, skipping away from the school.

Letting out another sigh I took the umbrella from my locker, locking it afterwards and then started walking out of the building. I opened the (favourite colour) umbrella and shielded myself from the down pouring rain.

"I wonder how Kokichi wants to explain himself being completely soaked to his parents" I mumbled to myself as walk down the street.

"Well I find myself an umbrella" he explained, his hands on my shoulders.

When did he get behind me? How did he do this? And how is he still completely dry even though I saw him skipping into the rain mere minutes ago?

"Don't worry your stupid little head about how and when and all those questions"

"How did-"

"I told you not to wonder" he cut me off, "now get walking I'm hungry and we have my favourite food for lunch" he whined and I did as told.

After some walking we arrived at my home, that was the moment it hit me.

"Hey Kokichi, where even is your home?"

"Huh? Oh it's not far from here, right there" he pointed at a house that was 2 blocks away from my own home.

Great, the gremlin lives so close.

"Welp, I'm gonna go for sure this time, see ya later" he grinned, skipping down the street.

I closed the umbrella and shook some rain out of it, though it didn't do much since it was still raining. So I went inside and opened it again in the shower, leaving it there to dry out until I had to go. The time was spent with eating lunch and packing stuff like something to drink, the bus ticket and that stuff. Soon enough it was time to leave the house and when I opened the door I was greeted by

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