Multiple Characters x Reader - Period Cramps

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non killing game AU

yeah, I'm writing that while I am trying not to die from cramps xD

also, the character and you are dating here already

and I have no clue what I did with the names I'm sorry for that

Rantaro Avocado

he knows

he's got quite the experience with every different way period cramps could go because of his sisters

so he's gonna be prepared and have everything you need

he won't be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons and will get them if he needs to

he will note down your cycle so he can get prepared

pretty chill over all


p a n i c s

he doesn't know what's wrong with you until you told him

he tries his best to help you

and he will set a reminder for himself when he has to be prepared

he's embarrassed when buying pads/tampons

the more experience he gets with helping you the chiller he gets, but a bit of panic will always remain

also he'll learn everything he can about periods

Shuichi Shyhara

he was confused

and scared maybe, if you have mood swings

he'll probably cuddle you a lot and give you sweets/snacks

he'll probably have a lot of pads/tampons in store, always letting you buy some so he doesn't have to

but if by some reason he needs to buy some he will, being a bit embarrassed

he will mark the next day in his pocket calendar with one single red dot

and his colleagues tend to ask him what that red dot every 28 days means

"Nothing in particular, (y/n) tends to draw dots in my calendar, that's all"

he lied

of course, he would be embarrassed if his colleagues would find out that he marks the day

Nagitoe Komaeda

"Oh no my bad luck rubbed off on you, I am so sorry (y/n)"

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