Happy Birthday!! - Kazuichi x Reader

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say happy birthday to him now >:)

also uh this is some sort of continuation of the end from sdr2 or something??

I think you'll get it when you're reading, I hope-


(y/n) pov

"Hey Kazuichi, where'd you go?" I yelled, looking through the cramped store.

Not cramped with people, but cramped with old electronic stuff. As soon as he saw this thing again he speeded there and now I've lost him in the tons of trash.

"I'm over here!" he answered from somewhere in the far back.

"Getting a bit excited now, are we?" I joked, trying to get to where I heard his voice.

"You know that I liked this shop full of crap before because here's a lot of interesting parts that I can use to buy something with" he defended himself, his pink hair poking out from behind an old computer.

I laughed and knelt down next to him.

"So what do you want to make first?"

"I thought, maybe a small Gundham robot for Miss Sonia and his weird hamsters"

"Oh, oh, oh!! What if you include like a small 'feeding function' of sorts, where Sonia can storage some sunflower seeds for his hamsters and then the mini Gundham feeds his hamsters?"

"That sounds actually really cool, you're amazing (y/n)!"

"Oh shush, you're the genius here. Anyhow, what do we need?"

He started to list some parts and how they look as well as where I can probably find them and we looked through the old machines, taking out pieces we'd need for the Gundham robot.

I know I had to keep him busy on this island for as long as possible so the chance of aciddently running into any other survivor while they're preparing his small surprise birthday party would be really low. He'd gotten lucky, the Future Foundation decided to open this new island for us today, as some sort of present for Kazuichi too, and for us, because we're getting better with this whole 'friendship non-despair' stuff.

Honestly, most of us had already changed a bit after the simulation, but we're working until we can be symbols of hope again. And everyday we're trying to think of an idea how we can save our friends' data's so they're all alright.

"(y/n), hey (y/n)"

I snapped out of my thoughts when Kazuichi kept calling my name.

"Oh, sorry got lost in thoughts a bit" I nervously laughed.

He gave me a smile, "It's fine, well I think we have everything, how about we head back to my dorm and we try to put it all together?"

"Sounds fucking perfect"

With that we started walking to the main island and from there to the one with our dorms and stuff. While we were walking I took out my pad thingy and told Hajime that Kazuichi and I were gonna be around the hotel in 5 minutes so he'd know and make sure that no one was running around at that time.

So we arrived at the dorms and Fuyuhiko strolled over to us.

"Hey idiots, lunch today at 1 pm, don't you dare be late" he announced.

Danganronpa x Reader One-ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя