A Virus, homeschooling and a mysterious encounter - SDR2/Nagito x Reader

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non killing game AU

Guess who should be paying attention in her English conference but is instead writing this because she got the idea? Yeah, me, I'm stupid I know xD

also, this plays in 'the real world' like, the world you are in right now, exactly this time n stuff, like the 2021 time with Corona lol

Also, maybe kinda spoilers? Like for sdr2 and V3 kinda spoilers? And Danganronpa 3?

(c/m/n) means classmates name

(y/n) pov

"That's right (c/m/n), and what's the solution for number eight b?" Miss Ackerman asked while I sighed, letting my head hit the desk, but not the laptop.

I wouldn't want to unmute myself by accident and not notice it or something. My head shot back up once I got an idea.

I could text Nagito and ask what he has at the moment. With that idea in mind I took my phone and unlocked it. While opening my messenger app it hit me.

He's not real

He's a fictional character from Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair


Why can't he be real

Oh, I could play Danganronpa 2 again

I'm gonna do that once this shitty day is over

I put my phone aside, listening to my English teacher talking about whatever, not really paying attention.

Once that was over I went downstairs to get lunch, enough hunger to eat two whole Happy Meals.

After Lunch I went back upstairs, not really wanting to do the exercises for my German class (I don't care if you don't normally have that subject, you just do now lol, it doesn't really matter anyway so) so I decided to not do them, since we're going to talk about them tomorrow anyway.

With that decided I thought of what to do, when another thought crossed my mind

I could call Mahiru

So I pulled out my phone again, searching for her contact when I realized, that she isn't real either.

"Dammit" I cursed, putting my phone aside.

After some minutes of considering things I could do I settled with the idea to watch Danganronpa 3 again. The future arc, because there's the Danganronpa 2 cast and it's not that dark, mostly.

~smol timeskip~

"(y/n) come downstairs real quick will you?" I heard my (caretaker) call out to me.

"Coming" I shouted back, pausing the episode with class 77-B on the screen.

What a nice scene to press pause

I hurried downstairs, helping (caretaker) with cleaning the dishes, before going back up.

Once there I got surprised, like, really fucking surprised.

Sitting on my chair, at my desk was THE Hajime Hinata.

"I..What...?...How!?" I stuttered out, looking at him confused.

He put a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet, motioning to my bed. On my bed I saw Chiaki and Nagito. Chiaki laying there, sleeping peacefully and Nagito just sitting there, smiling at me.

"How many are there..?" I asked, turning back to Hajime.

"Hmm.." he murmured something, presumably names, while putting a finger down for every name he murmured. (maths problems hit hard, I have to count it like that :,))

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