Hero and Villain - Shuichi x Kokichi

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non killing game AU

phantom thief AU (I think that exists? The one where Kokichi is the evil supreme leader/phantom thieve and Shuichi is the detective and tries to catch Kokichi)

Yeet the second character x character

Also no ship hate thank you

Kokichi pov

Sighing I let my head fall onto my desk.

"This could be the most complicated plan until now"

But it has to be, I'll keep my pattern and with the help of D.I.C.E I'll be able to pull this plan through.

Knock Knock

I wonder who would come and visit me this late?

"Comingggg" I yelled, walking to the front door and opening it with a grin on my face.

That grin faded away pretty fast as I saw the detective in front of my door.

But he didn't look normal like he was about to arrest me or something, no no, he was shivering and bleeding and he looked really scared... He's been drugged, there's no other possibility, that is the only thing I can think of.

He was hugging himself, blood dripping down from his left arm. The blood already stained his white button-down shirt, which was ripped at some parts and stained by dirt or something else too.

He looked into my eyes, swaying a bit, he's probably gonna pass out any second now...shit.

Will I be able to catch him?

Will I be able to get him inside?

Will I be able to save him?

Or at least help him get better?

Swaying a bit more he mumbled a really quiet "Didn't know where else to go" before collapsing onto me.

Great Job Mr. Detective

Lucky for the both of us I was able to catch him and I somehow managed to get him into the house.

Careful not to hurt him more I brought him in my bedroom, laying him down on the bed.

"Damn Shumai, you're really something else aren't you?" I joked, leaving the room to get some stuff done real quick.

First I closed the front door, locking it twice, just to make sure. After that I went to grab my phone and messaged D.I.C.E so they would look around for clues and make sure no one was around my house so we would be safe. And last but not least I got some stuff out of the bathroom what I think could help Shumai now.

I hurried back into my bedroom, kneeling down next to the bed I checked the wound on his arm, carefully taking off his button-down shirt to get a better look at it.

"Not that bad, you were lucky with that one"

I took a small piece of cotton wool and dipped it into some alcohol to clean his wound.

"This probably hurts now but you'll survive, I think"

Why was I even talking?

He wouldn't hear me, so why am I talking?

I sighed and began to carefully disinfect the wound. Once I was done I checked if he had any other wounds, and to no surprise I found another one in his abdomen, it wasn't that big but not really small either and it did bleed quite a lot. So I continued with disinfecting that one, searching for more wounds but I only found some scratches. Next I got some bandages and band-aids, carefully wrapping one bandage around his arm and another one around his stomach. Taking the band-aids I placed them on some of the bigger scratches that were bleeding. To my amusement I only had Hello Kitty band-aids so after I was done Shumai was covered in Hello Kitty band-aids what made me giggle.

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