Some Information

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Hey hey heyyy

no new chapter, I'm sorry, it's just some info like the title says

Soooo, I started a Genshin Impact x Reader oneshot book, if someone is interested, which also leads to my next point:

I don't know how many ideas I'll have for Danganronpa or how much I will continue to write for Danganronpa, because I fell into a Genshin hole, I'm playing ever since it released last year, but now I fell into a hole like I did with Danganronpa a year ago uh yea

I still enjoy Danganronpa a lot, but I just don't know how much I'll be writing to it because I am very hyperfocused on Genshin Impact right now, so this book will probably be paused for now (gonna try to make the requests at least so I can give them to you)

On the topic of writing, I know I take ages to update and that's because I got hit with writers block, I have basic ideas, but I can't seem to write something good to them, so I slowly build them up, bit by bit and that takes forever

I want to try and get the requests I got done at least, which will be the next two chapters (if I do them), you'll know then and uhhh

One more thing is

I have to say a very big thank you to all of you, I started this book around 9 months ago, just for fun because I started to write out of nowhere. I had some friends read the oneshots I had written then and they all said it's so good so at one point I decided to start posting them, thinking that there might be like 5 people reading this. Then at one point I hit 1k reads where I was so absolutely happy at that time, now I'm sitting here, seeing 22.1k reads and I really can't believe it because that's so much and I get so many nice comments and it just makes me really happy to hear you enjoy this!!!

I get so happy for every read I get, for every vote, for every list you add this to, for every comment and when someone starts following me I scream very loud, yes I do. I get so unbelievably happy when I see a notification or more reads and it gives me some motivation to continue the started oneshots I have.

It also makes me really happy to see some people coming back when I updated after an eternity again.

So thank you for all of that, you truly mean the world to me <3

Have an amazing day/night and know that I love and appreciate all of you so much!! <3

If this is the end for now, or forever, thank you for being a part of this, it gave me a lot of confidence and happiness, farewell 

~ Ellie <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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