Snowy Winter Days - Shuichi x Reader

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non killing game AU

I got this idea since it's snowing again where I live so take some wholesome winter/snow activities with Shumai

(y/n) pov

I woke up to the mild smell of coffee. But why coffee? And why now? It's still dark outside.

So I turned around, taking a look at the clock next to the bed and noticing that Shuichi isn't in bed yet.

2 in the morning

Why isn't he in bed yet?

Don't tell me he's still working-

I got up and quietly walked out of the bedroom, following the dim light that was shining through the door at the end of the hallway.

Shuichis study

Oh boy, he's working again

I slowly opened the door, squinting my eyes together as soon as I entered the room. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I looked around to find him sitting at his desk, head resting on his arms, his arms on the desk on top of all the papers that were spread out all over the desk.

I shook my head giggling, "Goddammit Shuichi, you really need to learn how to take care of yourself", with that I walked over to him.

I reached over him, turning the lamp off, next I took the empty coffee mugs that were standing around everywhere and brought them in the kitchen, placing them in the sink before returning to his study.

Then I thought for a bit about how I would be able to get him to bed without waking him up.

"Hmm.." I heard some grumbling coming from the sleeping detective.

He snuggled his head into his arms, making his hair messy in the progress.


I think I should be able to pick him up and bring him to bed. I just gotta be careful not to wake him up.

And somehow I actually managed to pick him up without waking him. Next challenge: bringing him to the bed without waking him up. I slowly made my way out of Shuichis study and back into the bedroom.

Once there I carefully laid him down on the bed and walked back to the study once again, turning off the light and closing the door, going back to the bedroom one more time.

I closed the door and laid down on the bed, next to Shuichi and pulled the covers over the both of us. As soon as I made myself comfortable Shuichi began to shift around, putting his arms around me before going back to a peaceful sleep. A small smile made it's way on my face and I closed my eyes, snuggling into his chest and falling back asleep.

In the morning I woke up to the sun shining in the room. As I looked outside my eyes began to hurt from the brightness of the light. The world was covered in a layer of beautiful white snow that was shimmering in the sun.

Wanting to go make breakfast I felt that I wasn't able to move, Shuichi being the cause for that. He was clinging on to me, still sleeping, but even so his grip was pretty strong.

"I guess training with Maki and Kaito does help you doesn't it?" I joked, making myself comfortable in his arms and closing my eyes. I listened to his steady heartbeat, it slowly lulling me back to sleep.

I woke up for the third time today, not being able to go back to sleep this time. Trying to get up Shuichi held me back again, mumbling "Five more minutes please" with a raspy and tired voice.

"Fineee, but only five minutes, for me at least" I agreed.

He gave me a small smile and we cuddled for a few more minutes before I got up.

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