You're not alone - Kokichi x Reader

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Spoiler Warning here

it's another one in the killing game woah xD

I have a physics class test today and here I am, writing an oneshot instead of learning-

Also I've finished chapter 5 a few days ago and I've been crying way too much-

So take the sadness hahaha...

And (y/n) is the Ultimate Observer, you can read emotions pretty well, are kinda able to tell what a lie is and you can kinda read minds lol

Ayyy guess who nearly destroyed their new laptop?

Exactly, ME

I just clumsily managed to get my cup with apple juice to fall over and half of it was all over my desk, to my luck my laptop was far enough, but it was only a bit more until the juice would've gotten to it, my dad would have killed me :,)

But yeah, to my luck only my switch, my headphones and some school papers got damaged

Don't worry though, the switch and headphones are fine, sadly the school papers too xD

(y/n) pov

"You're alone Kokichi, and you will always be" Shuichi said bluntly, a serious look on his face.

I looked over at Ouma-Kun. His purple eyes showed sadness, pure sadness.

That statement hurt him. A lot.

He grinned, putting his hands behind his head.

"I'm not alone y'know, I have D.I.C.E, I'll never be alone" his whole face looked happy again, at least that's what the others would see, but I saw through that lie. He was lying to us all, to hide his weakness, to keep up his evil leader act. I walked up to him and stopped next to the small demon.

"He's not alone Shuichi-Kun, I am here for him"

Ouma-kun had shock written all over his face, but only for a split second, before he regained his composure. Shuichi and the others looked at me in utter shock and or horror.

"But he's a monster!!" Tsumugi exclaimed, taking a few steps away from him and behind Kiibo.

"That's only what you see him for, you don't want to give him another chance. You all think he's a monster because he's always lying and because he's tricking people but you don't see how much you hurt him with that" I explained.

Everyone, including Ouma-Kun, stared at me in disbelief.

"Then just go and be the next one to be manipulated by that little annoying gremlin" Maki said, turning away from us. I heard hurried footsteps getting more silent by the second, turning around I see Ouma-kun running out of the shrine of judgement.

"Look what you've done" I mumbled, running after him.

Eventually I catched up to the small boy, following him inside his room.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, pissed and sad. Those words hurt him a lot.

"I said that I am here for you" I repeated the statement from earlier.

"Tch, as if, you just don't want to feel guilty if something were to happen to me don't you?" he spat.

"No, I know that those words hurt you, I can see it and I don't want you to be sad"

"What if they did? Are you gonna go around now, telling everyone how Saihara-Chans words actually hurt me and be proud of yourself? Just go already" he said, sadness lingering in his voice.

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