Cookie baking á la supreme leader - Kokichi x Reader

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non killing game AU, y'all live in dorms

(y/n) pov

I was currently standing in the kitchen, rolling out dough for some christmas cookies. Next to me was a humming Kokichi, who was humming to the beat of the christmas music. It was quiet peaceful in the dorms, especially for our class. Maybe they're just all working on their presents for secret santa? Probably. I need to prepare mine too. I wonder who got me? Maybe my lucky boyfriend? Maybe our Emo boy? Maybe Kaede? Or Kirumi? If it's Miu then I know what I get, or at least in what kind of theme it'll go...

I looked to Kokichi who was smiling, a real smile, and placing cookies on the baking sheet and placing it in the oven. I looked back at the dough, yeah that's thin enough. I got some cookie cutters and made cookies, placing them on another baking sheet. It was so peaceful. Until...


I coughed

I took my hand and wiped over my face with it. Once I was done I opened my eyes.

I coughed again

My throat was so dry

What was that just now?

I took a look at my hand. That's what it was. It was my supreme leader of a boyfriend. And flour. I playfully glared at him.

He'd get that one back. After I drank something. I washed my hands and took a few sips from his Panta. Revenge number one hehe. „(y/nnnnnn)" he whined, „my Pantaaaaa". I put the bottle back on the counter and smirked „Revenge". He pouted. I smiled softly and got back to placing cookies on the baking sheet until he seemed to be concentrated enough on his dough. I took this opportunity and took some flour in my left hand, slowly turning to him. I made sure that he was distracted once more and


Now he was the one coughing

Didn't excpect that one huh?

He streched out his hand for his Panta, didn't reach it tho, he couldn't really see becasue I guess and his hands were full of flour as well, so I reached out to get him his Panta, turning back to him to give Kokichi his Panta I met something halfway.

A hand

A small hand, with flour


And not long after I heard him laugh: „Nishishi~ Revenge my dear (y/n)"

I could practically feel him smirk

„You sneaky little..." I shook my head like a wet dog and most of the flour landed everywhere in the kitchen. Whups... Guess we'll have to clean later on. Whatever, it's fun that's important.

We kept throwing, blowing and yeeting the flour on each other while laughing and having the time of our lives. We both had a hand full of flour and were looking at each other, ready to throw it.




I threw it.

I heard a gasp

That wasn't Kichi

That was

„YOU TWO!!?"

Oh shit

That was Kirumom

We're done

I looked at Kichi, slightly panicking, he winked at me as if he was trying to tell me that everything was gonna be okay.

It wouldn't

Mom was M A D

She got ready to lecture us about everything

Let's get through with this

„What happened in here!!? This is a kitchen! A place to make food, not to play around and throw food at each other!!" She really is mad.

„Flour is not food, it's an ingredient" Kokichi stated, pushing up his non-existent glasses.

Oh no Kichi.

You're dead


She didn't kill him yet?

„I'm sorry Mo-... Kirumi" That was a close one. But I still excused us two. Or me.

„Me too, Kirumom" Kichi followed me.

„Two things, First stop calling me mom, second you two clean the kitchen NOW!"

„Yes Kirumi" We answered in unison, looking at the floor.

We got the things to clean up and started by cleaning the counter, then the floor.

Kokichi, trying to get the mood up a bit, sang to the music that was still playing in the background.

„Iiiii don't want a lot for christmas there is just one thing I neeeed I don't care about the presents underneath the christmas tree"

Oh lord, he cared about them so much. Like a three-year-old does.

„I just want you for my own more than you could ever knowwn" He looked at me, stretching out his hand inviting me to hold it.

„Make my wish come trueeueueueueueee All I want for christmas iiiiiisssss youuuuuuuu"

While he was still singing the you part something else started playing. Someone put up a karaoke version of 'All I want for christmas' and started to play... wait-

Is that really...?

No way

Shuichi Saihara

You sneaky Lil emo detective-

(The song he's singing:

Shuichi started singing: „Will you be the saviour of the broken, when I was a young boy"

I soon joined in, letting the confused Kokichi standing there. Poor thing he just wanted to sing his christmas songs.

Shuichi and I sang together, him now joining Kichi and me in the kitchen, even helping us clean.

„my father took me into the city, to see a marching band He said, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?" He said, "Will you defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers The plans that they have made?" "Because one day, I'll leave you a phantom To lead you in the summer To join the black parade"" Kokichi kept singing his song: „All I want for christmas is youuuuuuu"

And so the three of us continued to sing the mash-up of those two songs.

When your inner Emo comes out I guess?

With the help of Shuichi we finished cleaning the kitchen pretty fast. Once we were done Kirumi allowed us to finish baking under the condition that she kept a close eye on us. As if we were little kids who you coulnd't trust in the kitchen. I mean were grown-up teenagers, we can take care of ourselve-



No we can't

You saw it

It ended in a flour battle between Kichi and me

So we ended up baking cookies with Shuichi helping and Kirumom watching us.


It's okay

We had fun

And it's still fun

We finished baking and put the cookies on a plate, placing it on the table in the living room so everyone could eat some later on.

Now I've just gotta prepare my secret santa present and change into something that isn't full of flour.

(word count: 1111)

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