Dancing in the Rain - Hiyoko x Reader

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non killing game AU

Happy Birthday Hiyoko!!

I know I didn't really do any birthday specials or something this far but that was because one I didn't have that much time, two I didn't have ideas or motivation and/or three I forgot their birthday haha..


I got an amazing idea from my best friend and since it's Hiyoko's Birthday today I'll write that now


(y/n) pov

I was walking to school like usual, meeting up with Hiyoko at the gate to continue our walk to the classroom together. In the classroom the two of us and Mahiru chatted until class started.

I was just dreaming while looking out the window.

The weather is really nice today, the sun is shining and it's warm, not too warm, but also not cold, it's warm enough that you could walk around in a sweater or even shirt without freezing.

The best weather you could have when spring begins.

After what felt like eternity the bell finally rang, signalling that break was here.

I got my food and walked over to Hiyoko's table, waiting for her to get her food out.

"What did you get today (y/n)?" she asked while taking her bento out of her bag.

"Just some (f/f) (favourite food) how about you?" I answered, giving her a smol smile.

"I have some sweets and pudding" she answered, getting up.

We walked outside, sitting down at a bench.

We chatted the break away while eating our food and soon enough the bell rang again.

We got up and walked to the door, waiting for Mahiru, who soon came back from her friend Sato. Together we walked back into the classroom.

One more hour of history

Then two hours of sport


To my luck the last hours flew by and soon I was in changing back into my uniform.

I waited outside the changing rooms for Hiyoko and Mahiru so we could walk home together and make our plans for later on.

With the nice weather we were thinking of doing something outside together.

Hiyoko came out of the changing room, looking kind of nervous but I brushed it off for now.

"Come on slow poke, Mahiru is walking to Sato today so we don't have to wait for her" she said, dragging me outside.

But as soon as she stood outside of the gym she stopped. As soon as I stood beside her I noticed why.

It was raining.

"Dammit I don't have an umbrella with me" I cursed.

"Aw come on you're not made out of sugar you will survive some rain" Hiyoko sneered, dragging me through the rain.

I noticed that she didn't walk the usual way, but somewhere completely different.

"Hey Saionji where are we going?"

"You'll see when we're there, now hurry"

I walked a bit faster and she let go of my arm.

We walked next to each other for some more minutes and when she finally stopped walking we were soaked to the bone.

We ended up in the park that was located the closest to our school.

"What are we doing here Hiyokoouuuu" I started to ask her but she cut me off.

She took my bag and put it to the side with hers, then she pulled me in the middle of the clearing, starting to dance with me.


Oh no


When the realization hit me my face flushed a deep red, trying to hide it with dancing, hoping she wouldn't notice.

We were dancing

Just dancing in the rain

We didn't care about the people looking at us

We didn't care about being soaked

We only cared about having fun

It's actually a lot of fun dancing in the rain with your crush and good friend.

"Hey stupid" the blonde called out to me.

"What's it?" I asked, looking at her, she pulled me down by my shirt, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

That made my face flush red again.

"Look... I.. I like you..a lot" she stuttered, looking at the floor.

I picked her up, spinning with her in my arms while giving her a kiss on the lips which she returned.


Author-Chan pov:

The two of you were kissing in the rain, not caring about anyone or anything.

And this scene

This scene was exactly what a certain red-head was waiting for.

Mahiru was hiding in a bush, taking a wonderful picture of this moment.

'So you really made it Hiyoko' she thought, smiling.

You can guess what photo you saw once you looked at your phone.

Mahiru send it

In the group chat of the class


The two of you wouldn't hear the end of it from everyone out of class, let's say it like that.

(word count: 892)

I am missing ideas for one shots


Please, if you have any ideas or wishes (smut not included, no smut in this book) tell me and I will write them

Also, my fellow Shuichi simps, feel free to check out my Shuichi x Reader book!

I'm trying my best to update everyday, what worked pretty well until now and I'm putting my whole heart into this book so it would be cool if you'd read it :D

Now then, have a nice day! 

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