A Big Secret - Shuichi x Kokichi x Kaito

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Non killing game AU
Saioumota is dating already my friendsss
No ship hate, as always, and I got that idea when I was texting with Lee about Danganronpa headcanons so, yeah uh take this :)

3rd person pov

"Excuse me for just a sec, I need to take out my contacts-" Kokichi excused himself, walking out of the room and into the bathroom.
"But your contact stuff is here wh-" Kaito tried to ask him but gave up, seeing as the small male had already left the room.
"He always does this, I wonder why?" Shuichi pondered, his index finger and thumb pressed together, his hand held against his chin.
"Stop thinking too much about it sidekick"
"But it's just bugging me that in all the time the two of us and all the time all three of us were dating he's always gone out of the room to change his contacts."
"I mean you're right" Kaito leaned back into the couch, "But the little gremlin has his secrets we should know it the best"
"I assume you're right, it's still bothering me though"
Kaito sighed and got up, walking over to Shuichi who was sitting in an armchair. He ruffled the detectives hair and walked out of the living room, the same way Kokichi went just mere minutes ago.
"Then why don't we find out, huh?" he held out his hand to the navy haired male, standing in the doorframe.
Saihara hesitantly took the hand of Kaito and they both sneaked to the bathroom where Kokichi was changing his lenses.

Just before Ouma was able to put in his purple lenses and then put on his glasses the door opened, revealing Kaito and Shuichi. Kokichi stood there, purple contact lense on his pointer finger, one eye purple and one yellow. When he processed the situation he was in he nervously smiled.
"H-hey you two"
"Did you plan on playing a prank on us that you've got heterochrome or something?" Kaito asked, not really paying attention to everything.
"It's called heterochromia you idiot" Kokichi corrected him.
"But.. You weren't trying to prank us why would you have a purple lense on your finger if you were trying to prank us" Shuichi went silent for a bit.
"That's it! You've got heterochromia, don't you Kokichi Ouma?"
Shuichi had connected the dots and kokichi felt the last bits of color in his skin fade away.
"N-no I don't!! It's a lie haha.." his voice died down towards the end, he knew he screwed up.
Now the two most important people in his life knew about his secret, the reason he trusted no one easily, the reason he had a hard life

His two colored eyes

Shuichi was drawn in by the sparkling yellow eye and as a contrast the deep purple orb next to it. Kaito was also fascinated by the two colored orbs looking at him.
"You look like the sparkling universe in space" the universe lover awed.
"I agree with that, it looks beautiful" Shuichi agreed.
Kokichi teared up at that and Shuichi was quick to give him a hug.
"Hey what's wrong now? Why are you crying sweetheart? Did we say something wrong??" Shuichi started worrying while stroking the back of tee small male.
Kaito was confused at first but soon gave Kokichi a hug too.
"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just… everyone always hated my eyes, told me they're ugly, that I'm a freak, and it's not normal. I barely had any friends because of that and if I did have some it's because I started wearing colored contacts." he held onto the detective, crying out of both, sadness from the past, but also happiness because of what just happened, "when I thought I could trust someone they would turn out to say something like that too, how I'm a freak, it looks ugly, it's not normal… you two are too nice"
"Alright I gotta beat some sense into some assholes, I'll be back for dinner Shuichi" and with that Kaito disappeared.
"This dumbass doesn't even know who he wants to beat sense in" Kokichi giggled, looking up at Shuichi.
He moved his hands to Kokichi's face and wiped away the tears.
"That's true, let's see how quickly he'll realize that" Shuichi chuckled, hugging Kokichi once again, "You don't have to be ashamed of your eyes, they're beautiful"

(word count: 734)

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