Kiss Cam - Shuichi x Reader

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non killing game AU, (y/n) gets angry easily

(y/n) pov

Shuichi asked me if I wanted to join him going to a basketball game, since his best friend Kokichi didn't have the time for going, and with him beeing my crush I had to say yes.

So here we are now, sitting next to each other and watching the game. I glanced to my side, seeing Shuichi looking at the players. He seemed to be murmuring something. Maybe he tried to find out the strategie of the teams with the help of their moves and his detective skills?

That could be the reason why he wanted to come here in the first place.

He took his eyes off the game to get his drink and in this moment, for some unknown reason, the kiss cam landed on us. I felt a little blush creep on my cheeks and looking at Shuichi I find a blushing mess. He didn't seem so comfortable with that, and honestly, I wasn't really either. Kissing him would be nice, but not in front of a camera or something.

I made an obvious 'no' gesture to the camera, the crowd now booing.

Not my problem

We weren't dating or something

Just friends


They should mind their own buisness and not wanting us to kiss.

After calming down a bit I went back to watching the game and listening to Shuichi mumble, tryning to help him figure out their strategies. After some time thinking the kiss cam came back to us.

Just let us beeeeee

Shuichi didn't notice this time, so I made an obvious 'no' gesture, making sure he wouldn't notice so he could keep on concentrating on his goal.

That happened again and again.

Everytime it landed on us I kept getting more and more annoyed.

Shuichi looked up, the kiss cam coming to us once again.

I got M A D.

It annoyed the shit out of me so I just grabbed Shuichi by the collar and pressed my lips against his.

The crowd went W I L D.

They cheered like a superstar just asked them all for a photo or something.

I ignored the crowd and concentrated on Shuichi.

His lips were so soft.

It felt so nice.

Then he surprised me.

He melted in to the kiss.

That wasn't what I expected to happen.

But I'm totally fine with it.

We pulled away, I could feel my cheeks glow red, and Shuichi looked like a tomato.

A cute one tho

Shuichi turned to the field and just blankly stared at it for about half an hour.Like he was in a trance or something. I continued to observe the players moves to distract myself from the incident that just happened.

Like, what got in to me for just kissing him out of the blue?

Why did he kiss back?

„I wonder why the camera kept coming back to us" at the same time I thought about this Shuichi actually asked it out aloud.

So not even the ultimate detective knows?

Who would know it then?

I don't that's for sure, so I just shrugged.

He sighed and we both continued watching and analysing the game.

Autor-Chans pov

Little did you two know that, not far away from you, Kokichi was talking to a cameraman. He slid one hundret bucks to the cameraman and smiled bright.

„Thank you my good sir" he thanked the cameraman and walked away, back to his place to watch the, for him, boring game. Cause, let's be real, you two are way more interesting than that basketball game.

(word count: 607)

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