A clingy and sick Hope-Bagel - Nagito x Reader

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this is a non killing game AU but y'all live in dorms and are allowed to kill, but if the blackened gets uncovered they die, if not they'll just live like everyone else but they get some kind of reward from Monokuma, tho no one knows what it is, and you two are already dating lol

(y/n) pov

I was walking to the dining hall to eat breakfasst with all the others.

On the way there I saw Gundham talking to his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. I gently smiled at him, greeting him with a simple „Good Morning Gundham" and not to forget, I also greeted his Four Dark Devas of Destruction, with a gentle smile „Good Morning Jum-P, San-D, Maga-Z and Cham-P" I greeted them while patting them all.

After this little morning routine of me I continued my way to the dining hall without any other encounters.

Entering the dining hall I see Hajime, Chiaki, Mikan and Byakyua sitting on a table, Teruteru was walking out of the kitchen with our breakfast, starting to place it on the table. I decided to help him and got the dishes, setting the table.

After I was done everyone was sitting at their usual place, except... the place between Hajime and me was still empty.

That is Nagitos seat.

I hope he's alright.

He probably just stayed up for too long and is still sleeping now, I thought. If he's still not there when I'm done with breakfast I'll go and look after him.

So I just ate breakfast with the others, talking about video games with Chiaki, about hamsters and other animals with Gundham, about music with Ibuki, which is always a lot of fun since we both like the same music, about food with Teruteru, and so on...

I talked with everyone, and everyone with everyone. We all get along pretty well, sometimes Nekomaru and Kazuichi are a bit mean towards Nagito but that's the only thing and it's not all the time, so it's okay, I guess.

Once we were all done eating I decided to help Kazuichi and Sonia to clean up the dishes and everything since Kazuichi wouldn't be much of a help for Sonia. And turns out, I was right, Kazuichi was just talking and talking, trying to impress "Miss Sonia" somehow, while she and I were cleaning up.

I put away the last plate, closing the cupboards.

„That was the last one" Sonia said happily.

„Finally" answered Kazuichi, sighing exhausted.

„You didn't do shit Soda" I looked at him kinda mad.

„I talked" he stated, looking back at me.

„Yeah, you talked even though you had to clean up together with Sonia, I just so happened to help her, what saved her time and work, you didn't help at all" I spat in his direction.

He stayed silent.

„I'll take my leave now, I have something important to do" and with that I left the kitchen, just hearing Kazuichis complaints getting quieter with every step I took to the dorm rooms. Once I arrived in front of the door I took a deep breath, knocking lightly.

No response

Maybe I knocked to quiet?

I knocked again, this time a bit louder, but still

No response

He won't be...

No he can't be

Why should someone do that?

He's not...

I hope

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