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Okay, okay, this isn't your regular update (that will come in a bit, sometime today I promise) but I just had a look at the overview thing of this book AND WE HIT 10K+ READS!?!? 




I never thought I could get this far and I am so damn happy right now because I don't know, it makes me happy to see that people enjoy reading this and find comfort or something in it maybe. 

But thanks to like everyone who is reading this it means the absolute world to me <3

So, question to you:

Do you have any wishes or something what I should write? 

Requests for another one-shot or maybe a book or something, I don't know, but any wishes what I should write?

Or do you want me to share my Danganronpa headcanons? I've got a lot of them, 6 pages of headcanons for characters and ships-

Maybe you're like: "Ah yes, I would like some Kokichi headcanons"

Then there's me: "So I've got nearly a whole page on headcanons for Kokichi only-"

I don't know xD

(Please remember that I don't want to write smut, I don't feel comfortable with writing it, the Danganronpa characters are still minors and I want to have a 'smut-free' book/account. I'm aware that I could just make them aged up and stuff like the things I sometimes did when you and the character had a family then but I don't want to write smut. Thanks for understanding) 

If you do have any wishes just put them somewhere, comment on this chapter, write me a message or something like that. You don't have to be shy, I don't bite and you won't annoy me with your wishes

Why I make this offer? 

Because I want to give you all something back, seeing you guys comment, read, vote and add this book to lists gives me so much energy, serotonin and just good energy as well as the will to continue writing. Yeah of course the will was always there, even from the start where only my friends read my stories, but it makes the will stronger and it gives me courage to share my work.

Again, thank you for all your support, reading, commenting, voting everything, it always gives me a smile when I see someone commented or voted. And if you interact with my books in any way I will check out your page, I did that, not kidding. And I also remember some people that casually vote or comment, I see you and I appreciate you all <3

Appreciation also goes out to the people that only read, I might not 'know' who you are, but I'm still grateful for each and everyone of you <3

As of mow let me bless you with a theory my girlfriend came up with:

*insert spoiler warning for DrV3 Chapter 1*

Also, they only said 'Shuichi stole Kaede's Ahoge' and I thought about it and made a theory out of it with a lot of sense in it

!Obviously this isn't canon and stuff!

Please see it as a joke thing

This is the story of how Shuichi got his Ahoge

So at Kaede's execution he stood at the very front of all of them, so he'd notice if the Ahoge fell off and where it fell to, right?

Also he wanted to be alone a bit longer, so everyone left and he stood there, in the courtroom, alone for a bit.

So when else take the Ahoge if not then?

So he took the Ahoge, hid it under his hat and went to the warehouse. There is a lot of useless stuff to find, so he searched for hair dye and with the hair dye he went back to his dorm. There he dyed Kaede's Ahoge in his hair color then just put it on or something and BAM he's got an Ahoge

Because if he had the Ahoge before, then how did that gravity defying thing not lift up his hat or pierce through the hat?

On top of that the Danganronpa artists give male characters (especially protags) rather spiky Ahoges and his looks *exactly* like Kaede's just a different color so-

That's it for now, I will peace out with that and write the one-shot for later, have an amazingly day/night and I love each and everyone of you <3

(And please let me know if you have a wish/wishes)

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