Vampires Will Never Hurt You - Shuichi x Reader

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non killing game AU

Shuichi is a Vampire y'all

If anyone gets the reference in the title of this oneshot I FUCKING LOVE YOU

except that, Shuichi is a Vampire and (y/n) is a 'normal' human

Something to know about the vampire part, if a vampire doesn't get human blood in a certain amount of time they die

also I kinda made a book with 'POV playlists' Danganronpa themed, so if you wanna see that feel free to have a look at that!


when I took a look at this book yesterday I saw fuCKING 15K READS WHAT



I also got some really nice comments that this book is really good and it makes me so happy, it's so much positive feedback I'm getting here and it makes me enjoy this even more than I did before, so thank you <3

(y/n) pov

"Alright Taro, I'll go home now, it's getting rather late" I said, getting up from the table.

He looked at the clock and nodded, "You're right, we don't want you going missing now, do we"

I laughed a bit while we walked to the door.

"You gotta be careful, promise? There's been some attacks on people and also people gone missing lately especially in the streets here, so be careful" he looked at me worried.

"I'll be careful, don't worry about me" I reassured him while putting on my shoes and coat.

"I trust you, so don't you dare go missing tonight" he chuckled, opening the door for me.

"I won't, I won't" I giggled, walking out of the door.

"I'll see you around" he waved.

I waved back and he closed the door when I turned around to walk down the street. I continued my walk, turning left into the next street, it's a street with not as many houses where people live, but more old shops and abandoned buildings. As I continued my walk I heard some weird noises, kind of like someone was in pain.

I probably just imagined that sound, I mean why would someone be here out of all places?

The further down I was walking the street the louder that noise got, so I was aware of it not being my imagination.

When the noise seemed to come from a small alleyway to my right I decided to walk into it and see if the person needed help. What I was met with, was someone needing more than just a bit of help.

A seemingly tall male, pale as paper and very skinny, just skin and bones. Silky, navy blue hair framed his face where two golden orbs stared into my own (e/c) ones. He seemed to have three drops under both of his eyes, all six of them as black as the nail polish on his rather slim fingers.

He was holding himself up with the support of the broken down wall next to him one hand on his abdomen and the other one pressed against the wall. He wasn't standing up straight, but rather tried to curl up into a ball while standing.

After analysing him and his posture I looked back up at his face, his shining eyes still looking at me, he gave me a rather weak smile.

"Do you need any help sir?" I asked, carefully walking towards him.

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