Little Messages - Rantaro x Reader

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non killing game AU (like nearly everyone XD)

Soulmate AU: what you write/doodle on your skin appears on the skin of your soulmate

(y/n) pov

It was just another normal day in class. I worked on the exercices we had to do in english class. Finishing the last exercice I put my pen in my pencilcase and lay my head on the table.

„Uhm... (y/n)?" I heard someone ask me.

„What's up Aleyna?" (that is your friend, I just called her Aleyna) I asked her.

„Why do you need to look for flights to London, Rotterdam or Berlin?" I looked at her confused and she just motioned at the back of my hand. And there stood

'London, Rotterdam, Berlin flights?'

„I can't remember writing that on my hand." I stated bluntly.

„But who did it then?" She was as confused as I was.

„I don't know" I shrugged.

~timeskip to after school~

School was over, I said goodbye to Aleyna and went home, buying something to eat on the way there. Mom won't be home until about 5 p.m., dad is working in the basement, ah no wait he's on a trip in germany for the next three days, so no one is gonna be home that I can ask.


Maybe I should google it?

I opened the door to my house and threw my backpack in a corner, flopping on the couch. I pulled out my phone, opening google to search.

'Why do I have something written on my hand that I didn't write'

It was loading

It felt like eternity

Since when was our wifi so slow?

Ah the first answer came

'It was your Soulmate'

A what-?

A soulmate...

I remember hearing my parents talk about soulmates someday.

I read through some articles about soulmates and that writing thing.

That's it, I wanna answer whoever that is now.

I went up in my room, getting my backpack in the process. Once there I searched for a pen that would write on my skin and soon I found one.

'Depends from where you wanna fly and when'

I didn't have to wait long for an answer, indeed, just after finishing my answer I already saw the lines form until it was a complete answer.

'Japan, in about a week, the time doesn't really matter'

So they knew about the soulmate thing?

I mean, I guess so, since they answered directly.

'Hey, what's your name?'

Straight forward, man

'(y/n) and yours?'

'Rantaro Amami, nice to have you answering me'

Rantaro Amama

Wait no, I read it again

Amami, Rantaro Amami

I smiled, what a nice name

'Nice for me to know that something like this exists'

Now we'll see if he knew about it

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