Chapter 38- Final goodbyes

Start from the beginning

" I remember the first day I met her. We were at school the classic hes a nerd and she is the hot one kind of story" the last words causing a few laughs. "She was perfect. I was lucky enough she chose me, and we got to have two beautiful kids." my father said looking our way.

Tears only rushed harder down my face my breathing becoming unsteady. I felt a cold hand squeeze mine. I looked down to see Draco's hand in mine. My father went on telling the story of my mother. She was truly the best I could have wrote a book on just her. I looked down the row to see Crabbe with tears on his cheeks.

Pansy's eyes letting go of tears as well as Blaise took her hand. "So today we will celebrate. Share tears and laughs about all the good times we had with her. Share the memories we got to create with her." My father announced as guys carried her casket down the aisle to where he was standing.

I cried harder knowing her lifeless body was laying in there. "Whenever you are ready you can come up here and say your final-ly... your finally goodbyes. Thank you all" My father told everyone having a hard time with the last part. He stepped down and walked over to some people. Everyone started getting up and going to the casket before returning back in the house or somewhere else outside.

"Do you want to go up?" Draco asked turning and looking at me. I nodded my head yes. "Do you want me to come with you" "yes please" I said a few more tears dropping from my eyes. The two of us got up making our way to the front. He stayed a little behind me giving me some privacy.

"gosh why did this have to happen" I said touching the casket "I miss you so much. Our laughs and smiles even our bickering sometimes. There so much I wish I could tell you so much you would love to hear. I hope you are doing well and are happy. I am trying to stay strong but its hard without you. I could say so much but I don't want to cry anymore. Just know we will be okay eventually as long as your happy. I hope your proud of me and Crabbe. I love you so much mom and you will forever be will me. Goodbye." each word tears dropped from my eyes.

I touched the casket one more time before stepping back to Draco. "come here" he said grabbing me into his chest. I cried hard letting it out "why did this have to happen to her?" "I don't know Grace I am so sorry" he said trying to calm me down. He kissed the top of my head holding me tight.

Pansys Pov

"are you okay Crabbe?" I asked as me him and Blaise stood up from our chairs. "I am getting there just a little more time, and I need to know Grace will be okay then I will." he answered me

"She will be she just needs time and love from us" I told him rubbing his arm. "She will pull through shes strong" Blaise added trying to comfort Crabbe. "I am glad she has him" Crabbe said looking at Draco holding Grace in his arms. "me too" I said as we all watched them for a second.

They needed each other. Draco needed Grace but she needed him. I am worried sometimes how this is going to go. I want them to be together, but they have to have trust in each other, and always be there. Watching the way he is with her though shows me how much he really does care.

He might not be the easiest or nicest, but he has love in his heart and she is the one who brought it out. "Do you want to go up there?" Blaise asked Crabbe "I will when I am ready" he answered him. We all walked over to Draco and Grace.

Graces Pov

I pulled away from Draco seeing Pansy, Crabbe, and Blaise walked over to us. Pansy grabbed me in her arms. Both of us shedding small tears. "I love you" she said holding me tight "I love you too" I said back.

We both pulled away going back to to the boys. Comforting each other in hugs. Draco, Blaise, and Pansy walked back up to the house giving me and Crabbe a moment. "She is so proud of you Grace" Crabbe said tearing up a bit. "She is so proud of you too" I said taking his hand in mind.

"She would want us to be happy" "I know" I said agreeing. We stood there for a minute just holding each others hand being with her once more. "I love you sis" he said hugging me "I love you too" I said hugging him tighter.

We both walked away back up to the house catching up with Draco, Pansy, and Blaise again. We all walked back inside sitting together as the night went on. People slowly started leaving until there were all gone. Many hugs and kiss from everyone.

"well I will see you kids in the morning" my dad said finishing cleaning. I walked over to him falling in his arms "I love you dad" "I love you too" he said holding me close. I let go and walked back over to them. "goodnight" Crabbe said to all of us. "us too" Pansy said grabbing Blaises hand. "goodnight guys" I said and they said back.

Me and Draco went up to my room. Changing out of our clothes and laying down with few words. He pulled me close I laid my head on his chest. I really did love him. So much. I let my eyes close and drift to sleep wanting this day to be over.

This was so sad to write!! I love them together <3 sorry for no spice but it didn't work in this chapter. I hope you all are enjoying I love you soo soo much! The next chapters are going to be so good I can't wait for you too read!! I might post one more tonight;)

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