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The sight of Fred down on one knee before her, sent Viola speechless. She was still in awe of him revealing the blueprint of their new house, but this... Was the thing she had least of all expected to happen. She remembered how he said that he would marry her one day back at Hogwarts and propose to her properly, but she had never in her wildest dreams imagined him to do it now!

Considering they had only known that each other for 4 years, they sure had gone through a lot in the span of those 4 years. Looking back at her time with Fred, Viola thought of how they got together when they were 16, drifted apart, got together for real, broken up again and Viola disappearing only to be found again by Fred. It was him, who had brought her home, him who showed his devotion back when he set himself up for heartbreak to get Viola back home in safety. He hadn't cared that he would get hurt, he just wanted her safe, and that spoke truer words about him than anything.

There was a thin line between love and hatred, and back when Viola thought she hated Fred for leaving her behind at Hogwarts, that hatred was only bread by her deep love for him. It was the heartbreak that fooled her into believing that she hated him and didn't love him anymore, but truth was... She had loved him since they were 17 as well, and she had never stopped loving him.

Fred, who had brought so much happiness and joy into her life was now kneeling before her, asking for her hand in marriage and for a life with him and him only. Her hands covered her mouth in shock as she looked down on Fred's face. He was excited, nervous, scared even. But his eyes spoke his true emotions. They were looking directly into Viola's eyes and his pupils were dilated. It was said that when a person looked at the one they loved most dearly, their pupils would dilate, like Fred's were.

Without words, Viola sunk down on her knees, so she was at height with Fred and looked at him. Her mouth slowly cornered into a smile as her eyes started to glister with tears.

"Yes." She said quietly and Fred's mouth began to smile immediately. With his free hand, he took a hold of Viola's and together, they both rose to their feet, and Fred grabbed the ring from the box, took her left hand and gently placed the ring on her ringfinger to join the promise ring.

Once the ring was firmly placed on her finger, their eyes met again. Viola's happy tears began rolling down her cheeks and to her surprise, she could see a single and lonely tear roll down Fred's cheek as well.

Then their arms collided as Viola threw herself into Fred's arms and he swung his around her waist and lifted her from her feet and swung her around in pure happiness while they both laughed.

Once Fred finally let Viola down on her feet again, they pulled away from each other and took a quick glance into each other's eyes, before their lips meet in the deepest kiss they had ever shared.

The kiss felt like it lasted for hours, and when they finally pulled apart, they kept their smiles spread widely across their faces.

"I can't believe you! First a house and now this." Viola said and they both chuckled.

"I've been planning this for a while. When mum asked us here for dinner for a special occasion, I figured it was time." Fred said and he gently nuzzled her neck with his thumb.

"The ring is beautiful, Fred." Viola said and took a minute to admire the gorgeous engagement ring now neatly wrapped around her finger.

"Scott helped me pick it out."

"Scott knew?!"

"Of course. I asked for his and your mum's blessing since I couldn't ask Sirius. Scott told me that you were never a big diamond girl, but always liked simple things. I met with Scott last week to pick it out." He told her and turned his head to look at the ring on her hand.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now