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"I'm telling you, Fred!" George said, extremely frustrated at his twin brother.

"If you don't get your shit together and grow a pair of balls, you're gonna lose her and it's gonna happen fast." He added and had his twin by a tight grip at his shoulder. Fred simply scoffed and tried to brush his brother off. "What's it to you?" He asked and George growled in further frustration.

"Fred, you are being the biggest f..... git, do you realize that? She's losing interest, don't you get it?" He asked and only tightened his grip when Fred tried to escape.

"I'm not doing it while Scott's still at Hogwarts, George! It's none of your business!" Fred shouted back. "She knows that and she's cool with that."

George let out a heartless laughter. "She's cool with that? Fred, you're getting on her nerves and she doesn't feel like being around you for the time being. She said that she's tired of being your dirty little secret!"

Fred immediately stopped struggling and looked at his twin. He didn't say anything at first, but tried to swallow what George had just told him. He couldn't quite comprehend it. Did Viola really feel like a dirty secret? And had Fred really made her feel like that, when all he wanted was to make her feel the exact opposite? It wasn't like he didn't want to show her off to the world. If he could have it his way, he would crawl onto the teacher's table in the Great Hall at the next feast and shout out to the whole school, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang that Viola Raywood was taken by him. But he couldn't. And he wouldn't. Plus, they were only sixteen years old and they had plenty of time.
Fred felt weird about the whole thing. Hadn't Fred reassured her time and time again that he was crazy about her? And that they had more than enough time to really get to know each other. But he had to admit one thing. If she had confided in George... Fred had no doubts that she really meant what she had told George. That they were hanging by a thread. And George was right, he knew that. If Fred didn't pull his ass together, he would lose Viola and he was not willing to lose her. He couldn't bear the though of her with someone else. It had been painful enough to see her with Malfoy earlier that day.

"Allright, I'll make it up to her... After the final task." Fred finally complied and George let go of his shoulder as he nodded in agreement. "After the final task, we don't have to worry about anything else but exams and that's when I'll talk to her and I promise to be honest." He said and George kept agreeing with him by nodding.

"Good, because if you land that - if you actually get Viola Raywood to be exclusive with you - then that's your greatest accomplishment." George said and winked at his twin. And just like that, they were back to the way the used to be. On their way back to the common room, they discussed lividly on how Fred should confess his feelings to Viola.


It was finally here. The night of the final task. To the Weasley siblings surprise, their mother and big brother showed up to show Harry support. That day, Viola joined the Gryffindors and even Jamie joined them - he supported Harry as well.

Viola greeted Mrs. Weasley politely, but it wasn't exactly reciprocated. When Viola's attention turned to the oldest Weasley brother, she could feel herself blushing heavily. He was really handsome. When Bill smiled at her and shook her hand, she couldn't help but let out a small giggle and nervously presented herself. When she did that, she could hear Fred clear his throat.

Harry had been visibly nervous during the final days leading up to the final task. But as soon as Mrs. Weasley and Bill had arrived, he seemed to relax a bit more. And as they sat at lunch, eating all together, he even laughed.

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