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8 months later.


While Christmas had been a truly joyful time with Vicky tumbling around and making everyone laugh, it had to end.
As January rolled around with a promising winter, a beautiful one to begin the new millennium with.
A lot of things had changed. Ginny had graduated, which meant that the last of Molly Weasley's children had finished school. She spent most her nights at Harry's, Molly explained. And she was okay with that, but Viola had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with the fact that it was Harry. Had it been another boy, she might not have been so cool about it.

The memory of what had gone down the previous year had faded and forgotten. Time went by so fast and so slow at the same time.

Because they were closing in on a year of trying and Viola had still not fallen pregnant.

Viola had tried to remain positive about the whole thing in front of Fred, but sometimes when she was alone, her mind would wonder.

Was there something wrong with her? With Fred? The both of them? Had that miscarriage been her only shot at carrying Fred's child?

But even though the negative thoughts sometimes overwhelmed her, Viola never seemed to lose hope.


The spring had come early to their little house and the garden, Viola had cared for last year was beginning to bloom beautifully. Viola and Fred had just appeared in front of their door step after having had an appointment at St. Mungos.
It hadn't been much helpful, since the healers couldn't say for sure what was preventing them from conceiving.

They went inside the house and Fred softly offered to make them a cup of tea. Viola thanked him and took a seat at the dinner table, watching Fred make tea for them.

"I've been thinking..." Viola carefully said and folded her hands on the table in front of her.

"Sounds dangerous. What's up?" Fred asked as he poured the water in the kettle and placed it one the stove.

"I know you grew up in a magical world and home, but I would like to try and see a doctor." She said and bit her lip.

"Do you really think that could help in some way?" Fred asked and turned around, leaned against the counter and looked at Viola.

"Yeah. Or at least provide some answers. They have these tests, where they can determine if something is wrong."

"How does that work?"

"Well... They check my... area and run some DNA tests. And then they check your... 'Juice'" viola said with a slight chuckle and enjoyed the sight of dread spreading across Fred's handsome face.

"How on earth...?" Fred began, completely mortified.

"I'll explain it to you later. But what do you say?"

"Well, those pee-pee sticks have been quite helpful, so why not?" Fred said with a smirk and Viola smiled and laughed.

"Fred, we really need to watch some tv-shows and movies, so you can learn the basics of the muggle world." Viola chuckled and placed a quick kiss on his cheek as he sat down next to her and handed her a mug of tea.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now