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At lunch Viola was tripping her foot rapidly up and down while she was watching Fred and George talking. As she expected, Scott and Lee sat by them. She knew she had to trust Fred not to brag about what was going on between them, but it was hard for her. Trust didn't come to her so easily. Jamie had earned her trust when he had confided in her about his sexuality. But at that moment, Jamie knew not to nag Viola. She was just too nervous. Both Snape and McGonagall had caught her and Fred doing things that was not allowed. And both had made it perfectly clear about the consequences if they were ever caught again. And if the two professors shared experiences, it would mean double-trouble.


"Fred, where were you last night?" Lee asked just as he had taken a big bite of his sandwich. Fred gulped and did not dare to look at Scott.

"Yeah, where were you last night?" George asked with one of those annoying smiles of his that told the complete story, that he knew what was going on and he would torture Fred with it.

"Couldn't sleep, so I just roamed around the castle." Fred quickly said, but it was clear that neither Lee or Scott was buying it. "Who is she?" Lee asked and smirked. Scott looked at Lee and then at Fred, curiosity painted all over is face.

"None of your business." Fred said and focused his attention on his lunch. "None...? You always tell us about your conquests." Lee said and pouted. "Why won't you tell us, mate?"

"Is it illegal to maintain a certain amount of privacy with you guys? Now enough, I'm not telling, so just leave it, yeah?" Fred said and looked firmly at Lee, silently pleading him to leave the subject. Lee sighed and finished his lunch. "Fine."

"You're in trouble, Freddie." George said as they were walking to their next class. Fred rolled his eyes. "Just because you figured it out, that doesn't mean you have to torture me with it." Fred said.

"I like to keep you on edge." George giggled and nudged Fred.
Fred stopped and grabbed George's arm. "Look, I don't want to get in trouble with Scott and I don't want Vi to get in trouble. I'd like to keep seeing her for the time being, so please - I am begging you, Georgie - please keep it to yourself." Fred pleaded. "I'll buy you butterbeer next Hogsmeade trip?"

"Next three Hogwarts trips and you have a deal." George said after faking having to think it over. Then he laughed and nudged Fred again. "Why are this such a big deal to you, anyway?"

"I don't know, I just don't wanna fuck it up with Viola and Scott, for that matter." Fred said and they both started walking towards their next class again. "Wauw, I haven't seen you go to that extend for a girl before - she must be special." George said in a sarcastic tone and rolled his eyes. Without him noticing it, Fred smiled to himself. That was exactly what she was.

"Anyway, when are you planning on asking Scotty to spend Easter at the Burrows?" George asked as they finally reached the doomy door that led to their potions class.
"I thought you had asked him by now. I already asked Viola and she got really thrilled." Fred answered and placed his bag by a seat in the far end of the classroom. "Oh yeah? I hope mum takes a liking to her. You know how she feels about Slytherins." George mumbled as he took the seat next to Fred. "Mum doesn't judge."


Weeks went by and the weeks turned into months. Out of nowhere it was nearly time for the second task in the tournament. Viola and Fred had been casually meeting up in secret at least one night a week. Mostly on the weekends so they wouldn't risk being late to class again. It seemed to work. Scott didn't suspect a thing, except for one time, when Viola was spending her breakfast at the Gryffindor table and Fred had wiped away a tiny piece of jam on her cheek with his thumb and Viola didn't react at all. Scott knew that Viola had issues with people touching her, so that made him suspicious. Viola noticed it right away and told Fred off - saying that he could've just told her and then Scott relaxed. She really didn't know what the big deal was. She figured that it was a big brother thing to be protective of his little sister, but this whole thing with Fred was pretty extreme. He hadn't reacted that way when Lee had asked her out that one time. But Viola knew that it was just the matter of time before the gig was up. And she knew that Scott should hear it from her in the end. But she still didn't know what she and Fred was.

Were they dating? Were they just seeing each other casually with no intention of moving it further? And Viola found herself not knowing which of those two things she wanted. And least of all did she know what Fred wanted. And she dared not ask him. Viola still hadn't settled the deal with Fred by going all the way and she didn't want to just yet. Sure, she was not the sentimental type, but she was still a virgin and she just wasn't ready. To her utmost surprise, Fred never pushed for it to happen. He was patient and always stopped when Viola signaled for him to stop.

A few weeks after Christmas, Fred and George had finally invited Scott to spend Easter with them and when he told Viola, she acted surprised and happy to accept the offer. Although Scott did feel a tremendous amount of guilt towards their mother, because she now had to spend Easter alone too, but they both really wanted to come with the twins and Ron to Easter.

Nothing eventful happened besides the second task in the tournament. Cedric Diggory came in first, Harry in second, Krum in 3rd and Fleur in 4th place. Viola was really intrigued when she found out that not only had Hermione been Krum's date for the ball, but it was always that "something special" that he had to save during the second task. And it wasn't just Viola that had found that very cute and somewhat funny. A lot of girls around the school were whispering about it. Wondering if they were an item. And it wasn't just gossip about whether Hermione Granger was dating Viktor Krum, but now people had started talking about who had gotten Fred Weasley to stop hunting girls. He had been rejected girl after girl since the Yule Ball. Whenever it was brought up, Viola smiled to herself and Jamie always started giggling. But other than being the centre of the gossip without them knowing that it was her indeed made her impressed to hear that Fred had kept his word to her and appeared to only be seeing her and no one else. And she felt happy about it. He wasn't so bad.


One afternoon, Viola was walking alone throughout the hall on her way to the girls' bathroom on the 2nd floor. All of a sudden she felt a strong hand grab her arm and pull her into an empty classroom. Before she even realized what was going on, a familiar pair of lips were firmly planted on hers while she was pressed up against the wall with his hands planted on the wall on each side of her face.

"My, oh my, Fred Weasley, what was that for?" Viola asked as he had finally pulled himself away from her. He smirked at her and planted two quick kisses on her lips again, before he answered her question.

"I didn't get to see you last Saturday." He said and placed his hand on Viola's cheek and caressed it softly with his thumb. Viola placed her hand on his and caressed it like he was caressing her.
"8 days is a long time." Fred added in a whisper. "My lips have been thirsting for yours."

Butterflies started flying around her stomach when he said those words and she looked up at him. "Fred..." She began, but he shushed her and then pulled her in for a very... Very gentle kiss. Very much unlike him. The kiss lasted for what seemed like hours, neither of them pulling away, neither of them wanting the kiss to end. But Viola had an idea as to why he was kissing her like this. Easter was creeping in and they hadn't revealed their situation to anyone yet. Besides George and Jamie.

"We're going in 2 days and I don't know when I'll get this opportunity again." Fred said as he pulled away. Viola sighed deeply and looked down. Her hands were creeping up his arms and snaked themselves around his neck as Viola urged his head gently down to touch foreheads. She knew what he meant. Being around each other nonstop for 6 days and having to keep their hands to themselves sounded like torture. She sighed once again and then pulled her head away, looking him firmly in his beautiful brown eyes.

"We should just come clean to Scott."


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